Mod Pouch of Unknown - Item Stages Addon by TCreopargh

  • Pouch of Unknown - Item Stages Addon by TCreopargh

    An ItemStages addon that adds a bag to store your unfamiliar items
    • 23.44 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • October 20, 2020
    • February 19, 2021
    • Addons
    Pouch of Unknown - Item Stages Addon
Mod Information
NamePouch of Unknown - Item Stages AddonAuthorTCreoparghDescriptionAn ItemStages addon that adds a bag to store your unfamiliar items
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 23.44 KB
Updated at: February 19, 2021
Created at: October 20, 2020

This mod is an addon for Item Stages. It adds a single item, the Pouch of Unknown.

ItemStages has a bug where you can just put the staged items in an anvil, rename them, and they will be unlocked. This mod might be a workaround for the issue.

It has a default recipe, but you can change it with CraftTweaker anyway.


When this mod is installed, you cannot hold any locked item in your inventory, they will be dropped to the ground unless you have a Pouch of Unknown.

If you have a Pouch of Unknown in your inventory, all of the locked items will be put into it. You can't take out these items until you have the required stage unlocked.


This mod is configurable.

Also it requires ItemStages for obvious reasons.