Mod ProjectE by SinKillerJ
- 43771033
- 2.00 MB
- 1.16.5
- December 23, 2014
- August 27, 2022
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsEnergyMagicProcessingStorage
Name | ProjectE | Author | SinKillerJ | Description | Equivalent Exchange 2 (EE2) for modern Minecraft versions. |
Information | Downloads: 43771033 Version: 1.16.5 Size: 2.00 MB Updated at: August 27, 2022 Created at: December 23, 2014 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Energy Magic Processing Storage |
A complete rewrite of EE2 (Equivalent Exchange 2) for modern Minecraft versions. Transmutation tables, collectors, condensers, flying rings, and all the other trinkets you love are here.
Discover powerful alchemical tools, items, and devices. Break down unwanted items into EMC (Energy-Matter Covalence) and use that EMC to create new items.
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SinKillerJ - Main Project & Community Lead:
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pupnewfster - Current Lead of New Version Ports:
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Can I include it in a modpack?:
This mod may be redistributed as part of a modpack, both public and private modpacks are allowed. Please credit the mod on any lists as "ProjectE", there is no space in the name.
We do not allow the mod to be reposted by itself, or as part of a single mod installer, for the safety of our users. For more information please see:
Mod Discussion:
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Please try the latest release build before reporting, be sure to also include any logs or steps to reproduce you may have, as well as your Forge version, and whether or not you are using a third party loader such as Cauldron. When submitting logs please use a service such as Pastebin, do not paste the log directly into the issue.