Mod Projectile Damage Attribute [Fabric & Forge] by daedelus_dev

  • Projectile Damage Attribute [Fabric & Forge] by daedelus_dev

    🏹 Ranged weapon damage becomes configurable
    • 684427
    • 96.55 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • July 12, 2022
    • September 23, 2023
    • API and Library
      Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Projectile Damage Attribute [Fabric & Forge]
Mod Information
NameProjectile Damage Attribute [Fabric & Forge]Authordaedelus_devDescription🏹 Ranged weapon damage becomes configurable
InformationDownloads: 684427
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 96.55 KB
Updated at: September 23, 2023
Created at: July 12, 2022
API and Library
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Projectile Damage Attribute

Modloader Availability Fabric API required

Environment: Client Environment: Server Discord

☕️ Support me on Ko-Fi, if you like my project

🏹️ Features

Adds new EntityAttribute to the game, with the following id: projectile_damage:generic. This allows customization of damage done by individual Bow and Crossbow items in the game.

Adds new status effect named Impact, increasing the projectile damage done by the entity.

Example command: /effect give @p projectile_damage:impact 30 4

You can also use the API provided by this mod, to set the damage of your custom ranged weapons.

🔧 Configuration

Server side configuration can be found in the config directory, after running the game with the mod installed.

🔨 Using it as a modder

Check out the project readme for more details.