Mod Pyromancer by nikgub_
- 1.64 MB
- 1.19.2
- April 14, 2021
- August 22, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsBiomesMagicMobs
Name | Pyromancer | Author | nikgub_ | Description | Vanila+ mod that adds a spark to the Minecraft |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 1.64 MB Updated at: August 22, 2023 Created at: April 14, 2021 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Biomes Magic Mobs |
Pyromancer is a mod aimed to expand on Minecraft's experience with fire-related items.
The mod adds 10+ new unique weapons, 3 armor sets, A LOT of combat equipment and 2 completely new Nether biomes
To start your adventure as a pyromancer, you shall seek the pyrowood trees that grow in the desert, towering high above dunes. Their logs are precious resource, capable of withstanding the hottest of places though it is not able to tolerate water. With it, you shall craft the Pyromancer table, then go into Nether to gather materials for creating Blazing Journal
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Detailed guide:
Blazing Journal:
Blazing Journal is your best friend on your journey as a pyromancer. It can store blaze powder which you can use to cast powerful pyromancy onto your foes... and friends alike. To charge it, simply place it in a special slot on a pyromancer table and then place the blaze powder. Journal's maximum capability is 256 blaze, each blaze powder gives 8 blaze. Place the Blazing Journal in your second hand to make it work
The main usage of Blazing Journal is empowering your attacks with pyromancies. On your journey you could find enchanted books with a golden enchantment. Such enchantments can only be applied to the Journal and affect the weapon in your main hand. On each attack with a proper weapon these enchantments consume 1 blaze from the Journal.
You can customize your Blazing Journal with quills. Such customizations not only alters it's appearence but also adds a special abilities to attacks which were empowered by Blazing Journal's enchantments.
Blazing Quill - a standart quill, no special effect
Membrane Quill - reduces the cost of empowered attacks to zero at night
Fungus Quill - releases spores that slows enemies down, +1 blaze cost
Nomad Quill - bought from wandering merchant, replenishes hunger on attack, +1 blaze cost
Smoldering Twig - summons pyroroots that paralyze your enemy and apply Incineration, +2 blaze cost
Hellblaze Quill - artifacts have their cost and cooldown halved, +3 blaze cost
Pyromancer adds a new weapon class - maces, heavy weapons to break through enemies' defences. They have less damage compared to axes but faster attack speed.
Slingshot is a semi-ranged weapon, able to be charged with different ammo to compliment your melee attacks. Like a crossbow, it is charged with a right mouse button, but shot with a left mouse button.
Hogwhip is a weapon designed around dealing with many enemies. It's attacks can pierce unlimited amount of foes and hook them closer to you, opening them for a melee attack.
Bottle of Vapors - throwable weapon that spreads mercury vapors on collision
Bombsack is a grenade's analogue, exploding on collision
Scatter Bombsack - a bombsack but with more explosive power
Napalm Bombsack - a bombsack but it creates fire on collision
Rotten Bombsack - a bombsack but it makes no explosion and spreads rot on collision
Firelink is a greatsword that can act as a waypoint. Simply right-click on a campfire to link it with a sword and then right-click to return back to it.
Flammenklinge is a legendary sword, fueled with a centuries of rage. It has two modes: the crooked and the straight one. In the crooked mode it lets you jump on your enemies and deal huge damage to them on landing. In the straight mode it spawns a fire stream on attack.
Schmelzstern is a legendary mace, brimming with anger and hate. It's attacks have higher knockback, crush enemy's armor and apply Inceneration.
Coatings are consumable items infusing your weapon with a special effect. You cannot have more than one infusion at once, using coatings while infusion is already present will replace the infusion.
Mercury Coating - your weapons apply Wither and deal 10% of damage as wither damage
Fiery Coating - your weapons apply Incineration and deal 10% of damage as fire damage
Rot Coating - your weapons apply Rot
Cooling Coating - your weapons apply Slowness and deal extra damage to fire-resistant mobs
Artifacts are the weapons made from Molten Pyrowood which use blaze from Blazing Journal to cast pyromancies upon your foes
Sizzling Hand - shoots fast blazing fireballs that explodes on impact. Costs 2 blaze per use
Schizoid Helm - summons Schizoid Helm which attack nearby monsters and explodes after some time. Costs 10 blaze per use
Call of Flames - incinerates enemies with stream of fire. Costs 4 blaze per use
Court of Embers - forms a pyronado that sucks enemies in. Costs 4 blaze per use
Lantern of Blazing Souls - summons blazing souls. Costs 4 blaze per use
Marauder's Armor - you have a chance to deflect a projectile
Pyromancer's Armor - artifacts have their cost reduced by 1, you have a chance to not consume a bombsack when throwing it, weapons enchanted with Fire Aspect apply Brimflame, when you are damaged while having low health there is a chance to summon friendly Blazing Souls
Armor of Hellblaze Monarch - all Pyromancer's Armor effect, resistance to Brimflame, Incineration and burning
Brimstone - found in Basalt Deltas
Mercury - found in Nether Wastes and Forest of Rot, it's ore is often under some netherrack but you should be able to detect it by vapors that it emits
Cooling Element - dropped from Frostcopper Golems
Netherite Shards - dropped from any pigmen from Pigmen Legion
Flaming Grove:
A homeland of pyrowood, an everblazing forest from where Unburned hails. Most of the lifeforms in this place are fiery plants who fear not fire but water and cold. Apart from plants, Flaming Grove is a home to creatures who were born from pyrowood.
Forest of Rot:
The damned place where no flame sparks, where the withering rampaged and all life is slowly dying. Plants and fungi in there are sick with the Rot, which decays all but gold. Fortunately, Rot can easily be purged with flames so proficient pyromancer should have no trouble in dealing with it. Local piglins have gone insane after living with Rot for ages and now they are nothing more that mindless beast, lurking in the Forest, waiting for prey to come. Unlike regular piglins, they despise gold, enraging at it's glint.
Frostcopper Golem - ancient machines of war constructed by an unknown civilization. These human-sized golems with thick metal armor and cooling element were designed for the sole purpose to resist pygromancers' fire magic. Centuries have passed, but still to this day, copper golems lay underneath snow on the frozen fields of past battles. During blizzards and thunderstorms, something causes them to emerge from the ground, seeking for foes. They attack piglins on sight, and are neutral to players.
You can use them for your purposes as their bodies make an awesome conductor. Lead such a golem on a powered block, strike it to cause the lightning strike it too. Strike it when not on a powered tile to cause lightnings strike nearby lightning rods.
Pyroents are protectors of the grove who won't hesitate to attack anyone threatening their home, even if the intruder only took a mere flower.
Pyroacorns are, as the name suggests, young pyroents who are not strong enough to protect the Grove, but agile enough to lure the intruder to adult pyroents.
Scorches are insectoid creatures with only function of pollinating local plants and making wrong honey from them. And they are not willing to give any of it to you without a fight.
Marauders, the savage hunters wearing hoglin's hide as a trophy. They bear no fear or even logic in their actions, spreading Rot with their claws.
Pigsploders, once masterful explosives makers, now left with no gunpowder to craft explosives so they are stealing other's food to rot it and return it right into victim's face in a form that somewhat resembles a bombsack.
Blazing Journal:
Blazing Wounds - attacks with an axe landed on a burning enemy will make it burst with magma
Undertaker - attacks with a shovel landed on a burning enemy will stun it
Infernal Harvest - attacks with a hoe ignite enemies in large area
Yatagarasu - attacks with a sword landed on a burning enemy spread damage dealt to it
Scalding Spikes - attacks with mace cause fire streams to erupt out of enemy
Volcanic Mark - slingshot projectiles mark enemies, melee critical strike on marked enemy deals more damage
Sturdiness - maces ignore part of enemy's armor
Suppression - maces deal damage through shield. Incompatible with Breakthrough
Breathrough - maces will cooldown shiels on attack. Incompatible with Suppression
Rush - Maces deal more damage if you are faster than an attacked one
Traction - hogwhip pulls enemies with greater strength
Elongation - hogwhip has an increased attack range
Crowd Control - hogwhip deals more damage to enemies in group
Resilence - slingshot's projectiles travel futher
Legerdemain - slingshot has a chance to double launched projectile
Goliath Slayer - slingshot's projectiles deal more damage to big enemies
Brimflame - fire deals additional damage. If the affected entity was extinguished, this effect transforms into poison
Incineration - affected entity is continiously set on fire
Rot - slowly damages every armor and held items, do not affect things made of gold
Major events:
Pigmen Legion - with a power of the restored Nether Reactor, now with a beacon instead of it's core, you are able to summon an army of pigmen from the past. They are far more organised and weaponised than modern piglins, bearing netherite gear and even some pyromancies of their own.
In order to summon this event, you must build a nether reactor (from Minecraft PE) with a beacon in core's place and then click on it with a core shard (dropped from Wither). The event ends once more than 30 pigmen are killed or when you click with a core shard again.
Unburned - Flaming Grove's guardian, the being of pure anger, fire and coolness. He was first awaken when pigmen attackes the Grove for it's resources and, as ironic as it is, after many thousands of pigmen slaughtered he was defeated in that battle. With a power of the strongest drink found in Nether, he was placed in eternal sleep in Overworld's deserts, waiting for someone to awaken him again.
To summon Unburned, you must first find a fractal cucumber, a rare plant growing in a warped forest. The right-click with it on a sand in the desert to summon him. Unburned has many attacks so make sure you are prepared to face him.
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