Mod Pyrotastic 🎆 by creativityshark

  • Pyrotastic 🎆 by creativityshark

    A mod that (subjectively) improves fireworks
    • 1336158
    • 775.60 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • March 22, 2022
    • September 30, 2022
    • Adventure and RPG
      Utility & QoL
    Pyrotastic 🎆
Mod Information
NamePyrotastic 🎆AuthorcreativitysharkDescriptionA mod that (subjectively) improves fireworks
InformationDownloads: 1336158
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 775.60 KB
Updated at: September 30, 2022
Created at: March 22, 2022
Adventure and RPG
Utility & QoL


Pyrotastic is a mod intended to expand the functions of fireworks and give the player more options for how they can be used.


The Forge version is OUT! Finally! For now, it's still in beta, but if no major bugs come up in the next few days I'll make it a release. Please try playing around with it and some other mods, and tell me if anything breaks.


Also, I'd like to take a moment to thank you all. I didn't expect this pet-project to even see 10,000 downloads, but as of writing this we're nearing 500,000! Thanks for enjoying Pyrotastic, it means a lot to me.



Fireworks Crate

Fireworks crates are place-able blocks with inventories. They will preserve their inventories when broken; however, they can only hold fireworks and TNT. When placed and then lit, they will fire 3-5 of the items of their inventory at a time until they are empty. You can craft a fireworks crate with a wooden slab, gunpowder, and planks arranged in a vertical fashion

Fireworks Crates at a village well

Firework Rocket Changes

Firework Rockets will now change their sprites depending on the dyes used to craft it, similar to a firework star. Fireworks crafted without a pattern will still be the classic red and white. Fireworks also now have an actual model instead of reusing the item sprite (all fireworks will have a red and white texture until I figure out how to make non-living entities change colors).

Different firework colorsIn-game model for firework rockets

 Firework Schematics

Firework Schematics are reusable crafting ingredients used to make Firework Stars. They can be made by crafting a piece of paper with the ingredients you'd usually use for a firework star except the dyes.