Mod Quark: RotN Edition by asterixxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 3.79 MB
- 1.12.2
- November 3, 2020
- July 12, 2023
- CosmeticOres and Resources
Mod Information
Name | Quark: RotN Edition | Author | asterixxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Description | A modification of Quark for the Rebirth of the Night (RotN) modpack. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 3.79 MB Updated at: July 12, 2023 Created at: November 3, 2020 | Tags | Cosmetic Ores and Resources |
The tweaks in this fork include:
- Backpacks now go into the body bauble slot (NEW DEPENDENCY: Baubles) (optional as of r1.6-184!)
- Backpacks are now dyeable
- Backpacks have dispenser support
- Many features now have much more configuration options
- Added a minor hint telling you you can shift-click the "Deposit to nearby chests" button to merge to nearby chests
- Reacharound placing brackets fixed (also adds reacharound placing compatibility for No Lava Build by Lothrazar)
- VillagerFollowEmeralds module now accepts modded villagers
- Archaeologist house now has transparent (not air) blocks surrounding it (no weird air gaps anymore!)
- Many totem of holding additions, including a save item blacklist/whitelist
This fork is primarily intended for use in the awesome modpack Rebirth of the Night, but you are free to use it however you want (within the terms of the license of course).