Mod Rapid Leaf Decay by GeheimagentNr1

  • Rapid Leaf Decay by GeheimagentNr1

    Makes leaf decay rapidly.
    • 63.87 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 20, 2020
    • July 5, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
      Server Utility
    Rapid Leaf Decay
Mod Information
NameRapid Leaf DecayAuthorGeheimagentNr1DescriptionMakes leaf decay rapidly.
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 63.87 KB
Updated at: July 5, 2023
Created at: July 20, 2020
Server Utility

Version 2.X.X

For older versions of the mod check the wiki.

This mod adds the feature that leafs decay rapidly.
Every block, who has the leaves block tag, is compatible to this mod.
The mod is only needed on the server side, but can also be used on the client side.


You need a server to play with friends? You don't know how to set up one? Just rent an already configured server!

Click on the picture above, select a plan (with recommended at least 6 GB),
use my code agent to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!



Support: Supported Minecraft Versions
New Development and Fixes: 1.19.4
Bug Fixes: 1.18.2
Critical Bug Fixes: 1.17.1, 1.19-1.19.3
End of Support: up to 1.16.X, 1.18-1.18.1

Server Config

The config file can be found in the "serverconfig" folder in the "world" folder and is named "rapid_leaf_decay-server.toml". The name of the world folder is set for servers in the "" file and for clients it is the name of the world/save game in the world list, and it can be found in the "saves" folder in the ".minecraft" folder.
- decay_delay
  Ticks between two decay actions

Thanks for the logo to Muse31.
You can use this mod in non-commercial modpacks without asking.
You can find more mods from me here.

This is a Forge mod only. There will be no Fabric version. It will not be backported.