Mod ReactorCraft by reikakalseki

  • ReactorCraft by reikakalseki

    A nuclear power RC addon.
    • 4.16 MB
    • 1.7.10
    • August 31, 2015
    • August 24, 2023
    • Addons
      Ores and Resources
Mod Information
NameReactorCraftAuthorreikakalsekiDescriptionA nuclear power RC addon.
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 4.16 MB
Updated at: August 24, 2023
Created at: August 31, 2015
Ores and Resources

ReactorCraft is a mod that adds realistic nuclear reactors, both fission and fusion, to Minecraft.

This mod depends on RotaryCraft - it cannot be installed without it.
Here are some of the ways in which realism is simulated:

  • The physics is simulated in such a way as to reflect reality, including real values for energy creation per reaction
  • The reactors (a large multiblock) have to be built in a way that reflects real reactors, with strategic placement of fuel rods, control rods, and other reactor core components
  • Realistic reactor behavior in the event of poor design, including possible meltdowns, hydrogen explosions, and radiation leakage
  • Realistic (though obviously simplified) control systems to manipulate control rods, feed fuel, and the like
  • The fuel is created realistically - including enrichment - and used realistically; users must manage things like spent fuel with spent fuel pools
    More information can be found on my site: