Mod RelicEx by clevernucleus

  • RelicEx by clevernucleus

    Adds Relics to bridge Trinkets and PlayerEx
    • 1213157
    • 210.91 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • January 23, 2021
    • July 2, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
NameRelicExAuthorclevernucleusDescriptionAdds Relics to bridge Trinkets and PlayerEx
InformationDownloads: 1213157
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 210.91 KB
Updated at: July 2, 2023
Created at: January 23, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons




This mod adds Relic items for Trinkets, giving attribute bonuses supplied by PlayerEx (with a RPG theme), among other items. This is a Fabric mod, please refrain from taking the time out of your day just to complain about it not being Forge.


Health Potions

There are three health potions added: small, medium and large. Health Potions have a chance to drop from mobs, and when picked up by the player will heal for two, four and six hearts, respectively.



There are four relics added: amulet, body, head and ring. Relics have a chance to drop from mobs or spawn in chests, and have randomly generated attributes assigned to them that are applied when equipped as trinkets or in their respective armour slots. The randomly generated attributes are taken from PlayerEx attributes, and have randomly generated values as well.


Relics come with a rarity system: Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic, Mythical, Legendary and Immortal. Relics can have up to five attribute bonuses attached to them (although five is exceptionally rare). Factors that influence a relic's rarity: the number of attributes attached to the relic, the bonus value attached to each attribute, and the attributes attached themselves also have a weight. More attributes can be added to the relic table with the weight property and datapacks.


Based on a relic's rarity, it displays a different texture.


Relics can be repaired like armour using Relic Shards as the repair material. Furthermore, you can affix relics to armour. Now you can wear your favourite armour piece and continue to benefit from the relic attributes. To do this, equip an armour item and sneak+right-click with a relic item (should be a relic that would be otherwise be equipped in the same slot). Note that affixing a relic to an armour piece is permanent.


Relic Shard

Obtained by smelting relics, can be smashed to provide experience - useful for disposing of unwanted relics.


Greater and Lesser Orbs of Regret

The lesser orb of regret allows the player to refund one skill point; it can be dropped from mobs and may be generated as loot in chests. The greater orb of regret allows the player to refund all their skill points. It can be dropped by monsters; it is not generated in loot chests. 



Tomes are generated as loot in chests and/or dropped by monsters; they give the player a free level.


Dragon Stone

This is dropped from the Ender Dragon once it dies; it allows the player to completely reset all their attributes. The dragon Stone needs to be used on an Enderman to reset the player's attributes.



The chance for monsters to drop relics, greater/lesser orbs of regret, health potions and tomes is all configurable (and can be set to zero to disable drops altogether). Whether the Ender Dragon drops a Dragon Stone is also configurable. Additionally, chest loot conditions can be configured/disabled and relics can be set to drop from monsters only for player kills.


By default relics, tomes and the lesser orb of regret all generate in loot tables with a path starting with "chests/".



 - All randomness and drop chance is weighted and fully configurable.

 - Modpacks are fine

 - Comes packages (jar-in-jar) with ArmorRenderLib.

Special thanks to texturers, who are credited here.