Mod Reputation by The_Computerizer

  • Reputation by The_Computerizer

    Faction based reputation mod
    • 699985
    • 283.88 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • February 11, 2022
    • September 19, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
Mod Information
NameReputationAuthorThe_ComputerizerDescriptionFaction based reputation mod
InformationDownloads: 699985
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 283.88 KB
Updated at: September 19, 2023
Created at: February 11, 2022
Adventure and RPG


A faction based reputation system for various types of mobs, generally surrounding but not limited to villagers and trading. Do tasks to gain/lose reputation for each faction


Some features include

- Villager trade modifiers based on reputation

- Villagers fleeing from low reputation players

- Mobs in hostile factions becoming passive for players with high reputation

- Mobs in factions become hostile for players with low reputation

- 2 commands for pack makers to hook into

- A capability for other mods to build on top of

- A chat icon system for entities that have factions to "talk"


There is now a wiki! Go there to see how to setup the mod and for the full list of features explained


Want to host a server? You can use code 'DimHop'  For 25% off your first month!


This mod was made specifically for DawnCraft but you are still free to use this in your own modpack/video as you please as long as you link back to this page and/or give proper credit. Remember that rehosting sites like 9minecraft are not cool unless I give permission.