Mod Requious Frakto by BordListian
- 490.15 KB
- 1.12.2
- August 21, 2019
- February 26, 2021
- Technology
Name | Requious Frakto | Author | BordListian | Description | This is a techmod. It contains whatever you configure it to contain. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 490.15 KB Updated at: February 26, 2021 Created at: August 21, 2019 | Tags | Technology |
Requious is a mod that allows packdevs to create their own single-block machine in a similar vein to modular machinery. Machines and their basic properties (model, resourcename, placement data) are defined via json config. All other configuration is done using CraftTweaker scripts. Every machine functions as a 9x5 breadboard that slots can be placed on.
I've placed only item slots in this machine.
Slots for items, fluids, energy, duration are provided. There is also support for a generic laser component that can be used similar to buildcraft's lasers.
Current Features
- Custom machines
- Item Slots
- Fluid Slots
- Energy Slots
- Duration Slots
- Laser Slots (ala buildcraft, but generic)
- Selection Slots (ala buildcraft assembly table)
- (WIP) Custom red emitters, a wireless FE transport system based on Embers transfer
- (WIP) Custom fluid emitters, a wireless fluid transport system based on Embers transfer
Planned Features
- More configuration of machine properties (bounding box, resistance, etc)
- Mod support for mods that don't support capabilities (Botania Mana, IC2 EU, AE2 power, etc) (PRs extremely welcome)
- Custom item emitters
Requious comes with some assets for your machine configuration shenanigans, including a multitude of gui elements and 3 lowly machine models.
If you want to add your own assets for use with the custom machine system, you must load them using a mod like Resource Loader. If you create assets for the custom machines feature that you want to share with others, you are welcome to PR them (or just send them to me in some way) and I'd be happy to add them to the main mod.
Example Config
You can find a .zs script + assembly.json i use for testing here
I've also started developing a modpack, using mostly Requious for machines. You can find The Testbed here
If you're looking to contact me about this project, head to my Discord.
Disclaimer: the formatting of this description is only messed up because the curseforge editor is so jank