Mod Resource Reloader by LatvianModder

  • Resource Reloader by LatvianModder

    Simple mod that adds commands to reload specific different resources
    • 13.02 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • September 29, 2018
    • September 30, 2018
    • Miscellaneous
    Resource Reloader
Mod Information
NameResource ReloaderAuthorLatvianModderDescriptionSimple mod that adds commands to reload specific different resources
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 13.02 KB
Updated at: September 30, 2018
Created at: September 29, 2018

Hate waiting eons while F3+T reloads all resources when you need to test a single texture or language changes? Well then, this mod is for you!

Support for individually reloading models will be added later. 

  • To reload specific registry, type /reload_resources textures
  • To reload group of registries, type /reload_resources #models
  • To get the list of registries and groups, press Tab with the command typed in

Because groups are new to forge, not many mods support them, so it might be slow to reload whole group, but reloading single registry might have negative effects, like item models missing, or textures being messed up. Choose whichever fits you best. For textures, language files and sounds I recommend reloading registries, but for models - groups.

Registry list in average sized modpack:

Reloading times in an average sized modpack: