Mod Respawnable Pets by MoriyaShiine

  • Respawnable Pets by MoriyaShiine

    A simple mod that allows your pets to respawn after death when you next sleep using a new item, the Etheric Gem.
    • 2784828
    • 265.22 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • April 16, 2019
    • June 12, 2023
    • Mobs
    Respawnable Pets
Mod Information
NameRespawnable PetsAuthorMoriyaShiineDescriptionA simple mod that allows your pets to respawn after death when you next sleep using a new item, the Etheric Gem.
InformationDownloads: 2784828
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 265.22 KB
Updated at: June 12, 2023
Created at: April 16, 2019

This mod allows your tamed pets to respawn once you next sleep in a bed, with a configurable blacklist via the "respawnablepets:cannot_respawn" entity_types tag. Respawning is toggled with a new item, the Etheric Gem, which only works on pets you own.


Toggling respawn status is done via interacting [Use Item/Place Block] with a pet. You can also set multiple pets in a 9x3x9 area to respawn by sneak using with the Etheric Gem.


