Mod Roots by Noobanidus
- 22074687
- 3.41 MB
- 1.12.2
- June 14, 2016
- March 26, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMagic
Name | Roots | Author | Noobanidus | Description | A druidic nature-magic mod. |
Information | Downloads: 22074687 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 3.41 MB Updated at: March 26, 2023 Created at: June 14, 2016 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Magic |
Roots is a mod about discovering the natural, wild magic of the world. There are points where the Fey world can bleed over into our world, and these can be taken advantage of for crafting, for rituals, for spells, and maybe even more! Discover forgotten herbs, rituals & spells that bring tremendous power and utility. Roots is being constantly updated with new content, including ideas from the community! You can contribute on our Discord or on our Issue Tracker & GitHub.
Getting Started
We highly recommend installing JEI (Just Enough Items) and JER (Just Enough Resources) alongside our mods, as we have built-in compatibility with them and they will be able to give you access to recipes, fully detailed creature drops & more.
The first two herbs you'll want to make are Wildroot () and Terra Moss (
). You can find Wildroot & Terra Spores (
) by breaking Tall Grass, Ferns & Double-Tall Grass (
) in the world, and instructions for turning Terra Spores into Terra Moss in "The Druidic Arts".
Note: almost every resource (excluding Terra Moss, which has the Overgrowth Ritual) is a renewable crop that can be planted on normal farmland or on elemental soil.
The Magic of the Wilds
If you didn't enable the configuration option to start the game with "The Magic of the Wilds", you'll need to craft it like so:
You can substitute any log for the wildwood log used in this screenshot.
Moving Forwards
With "The Magic of the Wilds", you should have everything you need to continue through the mod. Chapters & entries are unlocked as soon as you obtain the book. If you're looking for a progression path through the mod, please reference the Advancements tab to see what you have yet to unlock. We recommend Better Advancements for an easier time navigating through advancements.
The book itself will guide you through the processes of setting up your first Grove, with a Grove Stone, and activating it using a Ritual with a Pyre. From there, you will be able to set up a Fey Crafter, along with an Imbuer and Imposer (for adding spells to your library and modifying them), and Mortar & Pestle (for creating spell dusts, among other things).
Each chapter in the book has at least one introduction detailing all of the systems available.
Transitioning from Roots 3.0 to Roots 3.1: All blocks should translate. You may notice that some of your spells have disappeared: these have been converted into new (or existing spells) with the relevant modifiers already enabled. You can apply modifiers using the Imposer, and enable and manage them through the Spell Library. The Spell Library is accessed by holding a staff and pressing the default keybinding of K. You can change this in the Key Configuration if it is in conflict.
Videos & Guides
Vallen from Mischief of Mice has created a series of videos covering the Basics of Roots (version 3), a video on Armor, Tools & Soils, a video on Pyre Rituals & a video on Spells & Staff Magic. Any changes from the video to the most recently released version of Roots can generally be found as a pinned comment in the comments section. I highly recommend these videos to help you get the feel for the mod:
Everything Else
This description covers only a small amount of the vast amount of content available in Roots & Mystical World. Here's a short break-down of what else you can look forward to:
- Utility, protection & offensive spells, with more being added in each release
- Rituals that allow for changing the world, the environment, and even transmuting blocks into rarer ones, as well as providing a way to peacefully (without killing) obtain drops from passive creatures
- A set of Living Tools that automatically repair themselves -- a system soon to be extended upon in 3.1!
- Complete integration with Just Enough Items and Just Enough Resources
- Integration with The One Probe & WAILA
- An organised guide book made with Patchouli that covers every facet of the mod
- Decorative blocks, satchels, food and more!
For Pack-Makers
We have endeavoured to make Roots 3 as compatible & configurable as possible. As such, you can:
Through configuration:
- enable or disable almost every ritual and spell in the game
- specify individual blocks to exclude from Growth & Harvest Spells & Rituals (a list of blocks that might be considered available via
/roots growables
) - specify entire mods to exclude from Growth & Harvest Spells & Rituals
- configure loot injection or disable it entirely
- configure the range of the Runic Shears AoE
- specify saplings to exclude from the Spreading Forest Ritual, as well as those which must be planted in a 2x2 pattern
- configure almost every aspect of elmental soil transformation
Through CraftTweaker:
- Creatures that, upon being killed, will break the Pacifist Pact
- Which creatures the Animal Harvest Ritual will work on
- Add additional bark types or other items to be dropped when breaking blocks with a knife
- Complete control over the Fey Crafter's recipes with removal, additions and modifications
- Complete control over the Mortar & Pestle's recipes with removal, additions, etc
- Complete control over Pyre Crafting Rituals, with removals, additions, etc
- The ability to modify the ingredients required in a Mortar to make spells
- The ability to modify the ingredients required to perform a Ritual
- Specify flowers for the Flower Growth Ritual, what blocks & entities provide which items when using Runic Shears, and which blocks convert into which blocks or items with the Transmutation Ritual
And in the future (coming in 3.1), the ability to modify spell costs, and almost every single variable (damage, range, number-of-times-ticked) for every spell and ritual using CraftTweaker.
Get support!
You can obtain support for this mod in the #roots
channel of our Discord. Drop by to check out alpha releases and see previews of what's coming!
Support us!
You can support the development of this mod by supporting the authors on Patreon: