Mod Runes [Fabric] by daedelus_dev

  • Runes [Fabric] by daedelus_dev

    🪨 Craft runes to serve as ammo for spells
    • 540720
    • 253.39 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • December 23, 2022
    • August 10, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
    Runes [Fabric]
Mod Information
NameRunes [Fabric]Authordaedelus_devDescription🪨 Craft runes to serve as ammo for spells
InformationDownloads: 540720
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 253.39 KB
Updated at: August 10, 2023
Created at: December 23, 2022
Adventure and RPG


Modloader Fabric API required Availability

Environment: Client Environment: Server Discord

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⚡️ Getting started

Runes are typically crafted out of Cobblestone and a some material that is relevant to the specific rune.

Runes have shapeless recipes, can be crafted in hand or at a regular crafting table.

Crafting in hand

The most efficient way to craft runes, is to use a Rune Crafting Altar.

Rune crafting altar recipe

All runes have the same recipe on the Rune Crafting Altar, but provide more runes for the same amount of ingredients.

Crafting runes at altar



Runes can be crafted using the following ingredients

  • 🔮 Arcane - Amethyst
  • 🔥 Fire - Coal
  • ❄️ Frost - Snowball
  • 💚 Healing (not available yet)
  • ⚡️ Lightning (not available yet)
  • 👻 Soul (not available yet)