Mod Seed Drop by EwyBoy

  • Seed Drop by EwyBoy

    Make anything drop from breaking grass, configure with JSON or Commands
    • 28.13 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 12, 2016
    • June 17, 2023
    • Farming
      Server Utility
    Seed Drop
Mod Information
NameSeed DropAuthorEwyBoyDescriptionMake anything drop from breaking grass, configure with JSON or Commands
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 28.13 KB
Updated at: June 17, 2023
Created at: July 12, 2016
Server Utility


Seed Drop is a super lightweight utility mod that allows you to customize the drops from grass in vanilla Minecraft. The mod can be both installed on a server or a client.

Seed Drop 2

As of April 14, 2021 - Seed Drop 2 is the only supported version of Seed Drop.

Seed Drop 2 was rebuilt from the ground up to create a improved user experience, make the mod easier to use and support modern versions of Minecraft.

Due to changes to how grass drops loot since Minecraft 1.12 and a huge Forge rewrite I decided to start all over again and develop a sequel from scratch.

The new version of the mod has a ton of new features listed below and non of those features will be backported. The mod also now uses a JSON file to configure the drop-rate.

🔴Server Sided
⚪️Reloadable config
🟢JSON file config
🔵Propper drop-rate calculation 


Example of how the SeedDrop.JSON config can look:

  • "item" - Item is the registry name of the item / block. Can found by pressing F3 + H and hover over it.
  • "chance" - Chance is the percentage chance of that entry dropping [0 - 100] where 0 is never and 100 is always.


All commands have auto completion to help you

  • /view                                                 -   Lists every entry in the config with their drop chance
    • /reload                                              -   Reloads the config (Useful when editing the JSON file by hand)
    • /add [registry name] [chance]           -   Adds a new entry to the config
    • /remove [registry name]                   -   Removes an entry from the config
    • /edit [registry name] [new chance]   -   Edits the chance value of an entry in the config



  • 1.7 (Uses old system) [Unsupported]
  • 1.8 (Uses old system) [Unsupported]
  • 1.9 (Uses old system) [Unsupported]
  • 1.10 (Uses old system) [Unsupported]
  • 1.11 (Uses old system) [Unsupported]
  • 1.12 (Uses old system) [Unsupported]
  • 1.16 [Seed Drop 2] [Fully Supported]
  • 1.17 [Seed Drop 2] [Fully Supported]
  • 1.18 [Seed Drop 2] [Fully Supported]

Want to do a mod spotlight? 
Just send me a link to it afterwards and I put it up here at the modpage! 

You has my permission to use this mod in any private & publicly distributed modpack whatsoever.

Live development: 
The mod is being developed live at my twitch channel: 

You can find me on twitter:  