Mod Set Bonus by laike_endaril

  • Set Bonus by laike_endaril

    Inspired by Diablo 2 and Terraria, lets you define custom equipment sets that give attribute modifiers or potion effects
    • 3989607
    • 73.84 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • March 12, 2019
    • October 8, 2020
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Set Bonus
Mod Information
NameSet BonusAuthorlaike_endarilDescriptionInspired by Diablo 2 and Terraria, lets you define custom equipment sets that give attribute modifiers or potion effects
InformationDownloads: 3989607
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 73.84 KB
Updated at: October 8, 2020
Created at: March 12, 2019
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

The config lets you define equipment sets and then assign bonuses to those equipment sets.


The configurable item filter supports NBT.  It can be used to filter both for items with particular NBT, and items WITHOUT particular NBT.


Sets can be defined to use any combination of vanilla inventory slots and/or the mainhand item (which is technically not a particular slot), as well as all baubles slots from the Baubles mod.


Attribute modifier bonuses naturally support all attributes from all mods.  Same with potion effects.


You can also apply modifiers and effects to single items (by making a set which only includes that one item)


Partial set bonuses are supported as well (Diablo 2 style)


For instructions, read the tooltips in the config menu (hover mouse over the setting name).




Yes, you can use it in your modpack if you want (MIT license).


A list of my curseforge mods can be found here


General announcement: I've been focused on my work for a specific MC server (and have not been doing mod work outside of it) for a while. Said server is closing soon and its team is moving to a project outside of MC entirely. I've decided it's time to stop modding and start working on a game project I can sell. I will be catching up on responding to some postings here and on curseforge / github and possibly release some final updates for some mods, after which I will officially drop all current projects.

All source code for existing public projects will be available as open source on github for any developers interested in forking them or otherwise copying part or all of their code.


Also, to anyone who has found Dynamic Stealth interesting and/or enjoys stealth games like I do, I do plan on creating one or more games with stealth systems eventually, though I don't know if the first full game I release will have stealth or not (I may do some simpler projects first).