Mod Shady Alchemist by TrueRealCursed_Warrior

  • Shady Alchemist by TrueRealCursed_Warrior

    The Alchemist can now have Special Trades to Make Profitable Items
    • 149279
    • 133.83 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • February 25, 2023
    • February 24, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
    Shady Alchemist
Mod Information
NameShady AlchemistAuthorTrueRealCursed_WarriorDescriptionThe Alchemist can now have Special Trades to Make Profitable Items
InformationDownloads: 149279
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 133.83 KB
Updated at: February 24, 2023
Created at: February 25, 2023
Adventure and RPG




This Mod adds in a whole New Emerald Making System in the Game

The Alchemist has gotten 4 New Trades and with those Trades you can become Rich!

The Alchemist can has a chance to sell you Crystal Rock, Crystallizer and a Crystal Maker

The Alchemist can now also be Sold Crystal Rock and you will need to farm this Item a lot in this Mod

The Alchemist can buy Crystal Rock 1024 Times before Needing to Reset the Trades


To Start with the Mod, you need to Buy Yourself a Crystal Maker and some Crystallizers.

Craft Crystal Powder using 1x Crystallizer, 1x Quartz and 2x Sugar

Now Place the Crystal Maker and Put water into it using a Water Bucket.

Right-Click Crystal Powder 3x into the Crystal Maker, then Wait

After Waiting (Usually around 10 Seconds, can take longer) It will Harden

RIght-Click the Crystal Maker to get the Crystal Rock Block.

Place the Crystal Rock Block and Break it(Use a how to break Faster) to get Crystal Rock

You will get 1-3 Rocks per Block, Crystallizer is made from Crystal Rock, so you can start farming.



Shift Right-Clicking any Villager with 64x Crystal Rock will turn the Villager into Heisenberg

Heisenberg drops Blue Crystal Rock and Hesienberg Solution

Shift Right-Clicking any Villager with 64 Blue Crystal Rock will turn the Villager into Walter White

Walter White Drops Pink Crystal Rock and Healthy Solution

Solutions can be used at the last stage of the couldron to harvest new types of Crystal Rocks

Instead of taking out the Crystal Rock Block with anything, you need to use the Solution to get the other types.

You can also make a Crystal Mix, which Fills empty Crystal Makers to max in 1 Click

Empty Crystal Bottle is made with 3x Crystal Rock, 2x Pink Crystal Rock, 3x Blue Crystal Rock, 1x Glass Bottle

Crystal Mix is made with 1x Empty Crystal Bottle, 8x Crystal Powder



Crystal Rocks are very Powerful and Usefull

Crystal Rocks can be traded to the Alchemist for an Emerald Each, 1024 Times per Reset

Crystal Rocks can be cosumed and when consumed they can give up to 10 Unique Effects

There are 5 Positive Effects and 5 Negative Effects in the roll, they have same chance to appear

Negative Effects have a 10% chance to be used when a Positive Effect is given

Normal Crystal Rocks give you Movement and Strength like Abilities with Level 1

Blue Crystal Rocks give you Movement and Strength like Abilities with Level 2

Pink Crystal Rocks give you Defensive and Healing like Abilities with Level 1



Click on the picture above, select plan(recommended at least 4GB), use my code Cursed to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!