Mod Shift n Scroll on Mac (Forge Only) by desagas

  • Shift n Scroll on Mac (Forge Only) by desagas

    It lets Mac use Shift and Scroll together, finally!
    • 7.28 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • January 9, 2021
    • January 10, 2021
    • API and Library
    Shift n Scroll on Mac (Forge Only)
Mod Information
NameShift n Scroll on Mac (Forge Only)AuthordesagasDescriptionIt lets Mac use Shift and Scroll together, finally!
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 7.28 KB
Updated at: January 10, 2021
Created at: January 9, 2021
API and Library

About Shift n Scroll for Mac


This mod is very small, and very simple. Shift n Scroll for Mac makes Shift Scrolling on Mac accessible in Minecraft again.

  • This was made with Forge Once I can figure out how to allow it to be used with previous versions of forge, I will update it.
  • I believe that someone can also very easily switch this to fabric, if someone would like to message me, we can collab.
  • It is Client Side only, as in, nothing about it needs the server to run. The scroll event is still handled by forge, so all SELECTED things will not change.

I have tested it with ATM6, 1.3.9b, and it works fine, with 246 mods installed in 1.3.9b.


Where to Do ...:

Known Bugs:

  • ~~Gui Scrolling not working, in inventory screens, etc.~~ Fixed in 0.0.0.s2

What About ...:

  • Should I make this mod work on all systems? Do you have a mouse with a side scroll wheel that you would like to use? Would you accidentally scroll with it, and not know what happened?

Can you ...:

  • Use it in your Pack?



In need of recognition:

  • The original Project Thumbnail free from this site with this License. The same licence applies if you wish to use my edited version of it.
  • SkySom, he helped me a lot, when others literally banned me for inquiring.
  • Default Options for the how to of making the mod client-side only.
  • HellfirePVP for having a great .gitignore AND build.gradle file to template off of.
  • MinecraftForge, Minecraft, and IntelliJ for making the documentation and shown code available under their license.
  • Tslat, while we started off rough, you still helped me a lot.