Mod Shret Nether by shreksrighttesticle1
- 548.30 KB
- 1.16.5
- July 23, 2021
- December 5, 2021
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsDimensionsMobsOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Name | Shret Nether | Author | shreksrighttesticle1 | Description | Adds some content to Nether |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 548.30 KB Updated at: December 5, 2021 Created at: July 23, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Dimensions Mobs Ores and Resources World Gen |
This mod adds new foliage and 6 new mobs into each Nether biome
Warped Forest
In Warped Forest there is new mushroom with interesting use, new light source and a new mob called Weeping Stroller. Weeping Stroller main use is to be a source of food and leather, a little bit worse the Hoglin or Cow, but at least it is native to the only peaceful biome in Nether and does not want to kill you. It is breedable and in future will also have additional drop to be more then worse but more interesting looking Cow.
Crimson Forest
In Crimson Forest there are 3 new Mushrooms, and one new ground foliage. One of the mushrooms can be used with Crimson Fungus to create stew, one can be used to create torches, and the last one can be used to make poisonous arrows. The new mob for Crimson Forest is the Leechound. Small and fast predator that though has very little health, has the ability to heal from each bite, so unless you manage to dodge its attacks, you will not have easy time killing this mob. The mob drops its skin which can be then turned into Leather.
Nether Wastes
Nether Wastes recived a new firey mushroom as well as new ore and a new mob. The mushroom can be used as a fuel source. The new ore spawns in other biome as well, but it is hardly seen under all the biome blocks, so you will most of the time recive this ore just from the Nether Wastes. The new ore is Nether Fossil, ore that right now can just be used as a new source of bone meal because Nether nylium dont want to grow unless you bonemeal them. Another new feature to generation are pockets of blackstone found in Nether Wastes above the lava level. They allow you to more easily get stone tools as well as to get more of that beautiful block build with. The new mob for Nether Wastes is the Red Jawber, flying monster that will sometimes attack the player, but dodging its attack is no real challange. The mob so far drops its wing membrane which can be used as a alternative to feather when crafting arrows.
Basalt Delta
In Basalt Deltas there has been ash added along with ash themed mob. Ash acts like snow where it can be placed on single block to build up layers. Torters, a new mob can climb up basalt pillars to get to the player.
Soul Sand Valley
Lastly Soul Sand Valley being pretty much biome of death with next to no life has received Deathmist tht covers the lava in SSV, but also hurts the player (if you dont like it, just disable it in the config). But is has however recived a new mob, the Soulbeast. Soulbeast is a massive and fast monster made of various dead animals that will change at player with full speed. If you want to have any chance against this rushing horror you better have some armor, shield or use bow to kill it.
Underneath the lava there is also chance that the Lava Golems will spawn from netherrack broken with explosions, so beware when mining for netherite using beds.
This mod also has small compatibility with Confortable Nether
Keep in mind this mod is still in development. Lot of the features that now seem either useless or clunky will be updated, new content will come, new uses for current features will come.
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