Mod Shrines Structures by silverminer007
- 5512345
- 761.41 KB
- 1.20.1
- November 10, 2020
- August 23, 2023
- Adventure and RPGStructuresWorld Gen
Name | Shrines Structures | Author | silverminer007 | Description | A customizable structure generation mod that provides new structures like shrines, temples, houses, and more for Minecraft Forge |
Information | Downloads: 5512345 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 761.41 KB Updated at: August 23, 2023 Created at: November 10, 2020 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Structures World Gen |
In the past, Shrines required a dependency (Dynamic Registries for versions 1.18.1 and below). Recent versions of Shrines (1.18.2+) don't require a dependency. If you want to learn more about the dependency, visit our wiki
All credits to the content creator of these Spotlights (Lady Jessa aka lady_jessa on CurseForge)
(Content creator is a project collaborator. This video content was created with full support from the Shrines Structures mod and exclusive permission was granted for use on this page)
(Poke me if I should add some more here)
Shrines is a uniquely customizable, rapidly expanding structure generation mod that is in steady development, and is regularly updated with a wide array of new or improved buildings. Minecraft's structures have their own style that should be respected, so Shrines never replaces pre-existing structures. Instead, this mod adds a new variety of diverse builds custom created to enhance Minecraft gameplay. A shrine is a monument, a structure with a distinctive purpose. Each one has a story to tell. Be a part of the story!
Shrines is more than just structures:
Custom structures
Are you a structure builder? Have you always wanted to make your own builds spawn in Minecraft worlds naturally, but you didn’t know how to do that? Shrines allows you to add your structures to world gen, and it doesn't require any programming knowledge. For details visit our wiki:
"Random" variation
Have you ever felt like structures just don’t have enough diversity? Why shouldn’t there be spruce or even a birch mansion? Shrines introduces an algorithm to create new variants of structures as they generate into the world! Now there can be multiple unique variants of your favorite structures such as the Player House or the High Temple!
Learn more about random variation here
Modification Datapacks
Discover luxurious accommodations, loot, and hidden secrets inside of the Modern & Luxury Villas or brave the nightmares that lurk in the shadows of the Abandoned Villa dungeon. Venture into a haven of mystical wonder with the World Tree Manor or seek buried treasures across the landscape with newly added shrines, or if you’re just starting out in a new world, you can now find smaller cozier buildings to call home. Spend your afternoon relaxing in the new pavilion and your night sheltered safely in the rustic little hut down the river. Shrines has a little something for everyone, with even more on the way!
There so many people who deserve a thank you. First of all I want to say thank you to all people that contributed to Shrines in any way, but weren't listed here, just because the space is limited. Furthermore, a big thank you to everyone who downloaded Shrines, especially in the first three month. Without you downloading shrines, this mod wouldn't be as popular as it is right now.
Thank you to every one that reported bugs, proposed ideas and contributed to Shrines code. Your feedback is valued!
Here I would like to mention once again the names of the most hard-working staff members (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone - please note that I can't list everything a single person did. That would just exceed the space of this page):
- S1fy (Thank you for all your patience, constructive reviews and amazing builds)
- LadyJessa (lady_jessa) (Thank you for all your hard work. You've created so much amazing content that I can't name everything. Some examples: Shrines icons, Spotlight videos (linked), Abandoned Villa, Modern Villa, Luxury Villa, World Tree Manor and so on)
- LegoSorterman (Thank you for your patience when Shrines came up freshly and you helped out with code)
- CHPTR1 (Thank you for your reviews, structures and innovative ideas)
- pea_sh0ter (Thank you for your never ending pool of ideas. Some of them like the Novel system already found their way into the mod. Thank you for writing these amazing novels for all the structures)
- SamhitApple (Your Infested Prison, Minerla temple, Jungle Tower, Abandoned Witch House and Flooded Temple are so bautiful. Keep on the great work. Thank you)
- Forscher09 (Thank you for reviews, ideas, thoughts, criticism and structures)
- Tikofan (You've build amazing structures for this mod. Thank you)
- Aurelj (Oriental Sanctuary is an amazing structure. Thank you for building it)
- ThanatosLP_ (You've created many beautiful structures. Thank you)
- MEME Man77 (Thank you for two incredible structures. They really enhance this mod)
- Every person that helped out with ideas or concerns in real life
Signed Silverminer