Mod Shutup Experimental Settings! by Corgi_Taco
- 18785628
- 4.64 KB
- 1.19.2
- September 9, 2020
- April 19, 2022
- BiomesDimensionsMiscellaneousWorld Gen
Mod Information
Name | Shutup Experimental Settings! | Author | Corgi_Taco | Description | Removes the Experimental Settings prompt before world creation. |
Information | Downloads: 18785628 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 4.64 KB Updated at: April 19, 2022 Created at: September 9, 2020 | Tags | Biomes Dimensions Miscellaneous World Gen |
This simple mod is a forge port of the fabric mod "Disable Custom Worlds Advice" which disables the annoying "Experimental Features" advice that appears every time you create or load a world with custom dimensions or world settings. You can use it if either this screen annoys you as much as it does to me or you are creating a mod with custom worldgen!(This description matches the description found at