Mod Simple Backpack [FABRIC] by kwpugh
- 73.01 KB
- 1.19.3
- May 17, 2020
- December 1, 2022
- Storage
Name | Simple Backpack [FABRIC] | Author | kwpugh | Description | Provides backpack, void pack, ender pack and bundles |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.3 Size: 73.01 KB Updated at: December 1, 2022 Created at: May 17, 2020 | Tags | Storage |
One size backpack (54 slot). No tiers, no keybind, no dye, no placing in chest slot or on the ground, no Trinket slot. Just a "simple" backpack that can be made in early game.
- Simple Backpack with 54 slots
- Void pack, basically a portable garbage chest, items deleted when GUI is closed
- Ender pack for portable access to the player's enderchest
- Simple Bundle, similar to the vanilla bundle but with much greater capacity
- Void Bundle, its a bundle but for garbage
- Plus a Portable Crafting Table, for quick crafting on the go
NOTE: For safety reasons, backpacks cannot be placed into backpacks or void packs. Shulker Boxes cannot be put into Backpacks to prevent infinite storage
NOTE: Any vanilla wool will work in recipes
Backpack (storage):
Ender Pack (ender storage):
Void Pack (trash):
Portable Crafting Table - a crafting table in your hand
Simple Bundles
Simple Bundle:
Void Bundle (trash):
WARNING: Anything put into the Void Pack will be deleted when you close the GUI, be careful. Backpacks, EnderPacks, and VoidPacks cannot be put into a VoidPack for safety reasons.