Mod Simple Planes (Forge) by przemykomo

  • Simple Planes (Forge) by przemykomo

    Upgradeable planes and helicopters which you can fly with.
    • 2910725
    • 643.88 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • June 10, 2020
    • July 16, 2023
    • Player Transport
    Simple Planes (Forge)
Mod Information
NameSimple Planes (Forge)AuthorprzemykomoDescriptionUpgradeable planes and helicopters which you can fly with.
InformationDownloads: 2910725
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 643.88 KB
Updated at: July 16, 2023
Created at: June 10, 2020
Player Transport

Mod showcase video (old version)


 In order to turn on the engine and change throttle use the Up/Down arrow keys or check keybindings.

If you don't play with any electricity mods the charging station is useless and you can only charge the electric engine by using the solar panel.

Need a server? I've got something for you!

 Click on the picture above, select a plan and use my code sappy to get 25% off your first month and play with your friends!