Mod Simple Voice Chat by henkelmax

  • Simple Voice Chat by henkelmax

    A working voice chat in Minecraft!
    • 8424011
    • 7.72 MB
    • 1.20.2
    • October 28, 2020
    • September 23, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
      Server Utility
    Simple Voice Chat
Mod Information
NameSimple Voice ChatAuthorhenkelmaxDescriptionA working voice chat in Minecraft!
InformationDownloads: 8424011
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 7.72 MB
Updated at: September 23, 2023
Created at: October 28, 2020
Adventure and RPG
Server Utility

Wiki | FAQ | Credits


This mod adds a proximity voice chat to your Minecraft server. You can choose between push to talk (PTT) or voice activation. The default PTT key is CAPS LOCK, but it can be changed in the key bind settings. You can access the voice chat settings by pressing the V key.

⚠️ NOTE This mod requires special setup on the server in order to work. Please read the wiki for more information.


Please join the Discord if you have questions!




  • Proximity voice chat
  • Password protected group chats
  • Opus codec
  • RNNoise recurrent neural network noise suppression
  • OpenAL audio
  • Cross compatibility between Fabric, Forge, Quilt, Bukkit, Spigot and Paper
  • Compatibility with ModMenu (Use ClothConfig for a better configuration UI)
  • Push to talk
  • Voice activation
  • Configurable push to talk key
  • Microphone test playback
  • Configurable voice distance
  • Whispering
  • Individual player volume adjustment
  • Microphone amplification
  • 3D sound
  • AES encryption
  • Audio recording with separate audio tracks
  • A powerful API



Want to host a server with Simple Voice Chat?

Rent your own voice chat server here
More information on how to set it up here




Name Description Links
AudioPlayer Allows putting custom audio files on music discs CurseForgeModrinthThird party Paper port
Voice Chat Interaction Voice chat skulk sensor activation and warden detection CurseForgeModrinthGitHubThird party Paper port
Sound Physics Remastered Sound Physics for Simple Voice Chat CurseForgeModrinth
Replay Voice Chat A compatibility mod to record Simple Voice Chat with ReplayMod     CurseForgeModrinth
Voice Chat Broadcast Broadcast your voice to everyone GitHub
Simple Voice Chat Enhanced Groups     Various improvements to voice chat groups CurseForge, Modrinth, GitHub




You are talking


You are whispering


Player is talking


Player is whispering


Microphone muted


Voice chat disabled


Voice chat not connected
Voice chat not installed



You can open the voice chat GUI by pressing the V key. This allows you to open the settings, group chats, mute yourself, disable the voice chat, start/stop a recording and hide all icons.

Group Chats

Group chats allow you to talk to players that are not in your vicinity. To open the group chat interface, either press the group button in the voice chat GUI or just press the G key.

To create a new group, just type a name in the text field and press the button next to it.

Creating or joining a group will bring you into the group chat interface. You will also see the heads of the group members in the top left corner of your screen. Talking players will be outlined. You can disable these icons by pressing the third button from the left.

Players that are not in a group will see a group icon next to your head, indicating that they can't talk to you.

You can invite players to your group chat by entering the command /voicechat invite <playername>.


You can access the voice chat GUI by pressing the V key and pressing the settings button.

This menu offers the ability to change the general voice chat volume and your microphone amplification. In addition, there is the possibility to specify the recording and playback device.

By clicking the 'Enable microphone testing' button, you can hear your own voice and adjust the activation level of the voice activation.


Key Bindings

                    Name                                    Default Key               Description
Voice Chat GUI V Opens the voice chat GUI.
Voice Chat Settings Not bound by default Opens the voice chat settings.
Group Chats G Opens the group chat GUI.
Push To Talk CAPS LOCK The push to talk key (Only when using activation type PTT).
Mute Microphone M The mute button (Only when using voice activation type Voice).
Disable Voice Chat N This button disables the voice chat. Other people can't hear you and you can't hear them.
Hide Voice Chat Icons H This button hides all icons related to the voice chat.
Toggle Recording Not bound by default Toggles voice chat audio recording.
Whisper Not bound by default Hold down to whisper.


You can change every key binding in the Minecraft key binding settings.


Important Notes

You need to open a port on the server. This is port 24454 UDP by default. Without opening this port, the voice chat will not work. This port can be changed in the server config. More information here.

The voice chat is encrypted, but we don't guarantee the security of it. Use at your own risk!