Mod Simpleretrogen by cpw
- 14.07 KB
- 1.10.2
- January 9, 2016
- June 23, 2016
- Server Utility
Name | Simpleretrogen | Author | cpw | Description | Utility to allow easy retrogeneration for IWorldGenerator based content |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.10.2 Size: 14.07 KB Updated at: June 23, 2016 Created at: January 9, 2016 | Tags | Server Utility |
Simpleretrogen is a utility mod that allows mods with world generation to perform re-injection of their content into existing generated chunks, and tracks which ones have been retrogenerated.
This allows you to add a new mod to your world and have it's content retrogenerated into existing chunks.
It works with the IWorldGenerator based system from FML used by most mods to inject simple content into world generation.
There is one helper command at present.
listretrogenclasstargets - list the classes on the server which are candidates for adding to simple retrogen.
To configure this mod you need to figure out which classes implement IWorldGenerator from the mod(s) you wish to regenerate.
As an example, is the worldgenerator for slime islands in Tinkers Construct.
The configuration file has been restructured for 1.9. You can have more than one "mark" in the file, each containing its own classes for retrogen. You can activate and deactivate sections by adding them to the "markerList" list.
# Configuration file
# Marker definition
# You can create as many of these as you wish
# Activate by adding to active list
# World Generator classes for marker
S:worldGens <
general {
# Active markers
S:markerList <
# Maximum number of retrogens to run in a single tick
The example above will force slime islands to regenerate if they haven't been. The marker value allows changing the marker, which is applied to any regenerated chunks, so changing the value will force the regenerations to run again. MaxPerTick controls how many chunks will be regenerated each tick, to ensure that the cost of regeneration doesn't cause an unacceptable slowdown to your server.