Mod Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge] by sweenuss
- 1411960
- 11.68 MB
- 1.20.1
- August 15, 2022
- August 13, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagic
Name | Simply Swords [Fabric & Forge] | Author | sweenuss | Description | Adds Spears, Glaives, Chakrams, Katanatas, Greathammer/axes, Rapiers, and many more weapons! |
Information | Downloads: 1411960 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 11.68 MB Updated at: August 13, 2023 Created at: August 15, 2022 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Magic |
Mythic Metals | Gobber | LevelZ
Forbidden & Arcanus | Twilight Forest | The Undergarden | Blue Skies | Plus The End
via Knaves Needs (by KodoDenka)
Prefer an alternate look?
Yourscraft resourcepack + Simply Swords addon (by Manos_Of_Fate)
Armaments of Legend resourcepack (by Count_Sjorn_Paradox)
Other Timefall Development Mods
Golden Steak - Adds Golden Steaks and Enchanted Golden Steaks
MC Dungeons Weapons - Brings the weapons from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Dungeons Artifacts - Brings the artifacts from Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft
MC Story Mode Armors - Brings the armor sets from Minecraft Story Mode to Minecraft
Save Gear on Death - A middle ground between Keep Inventory On and Off
Headshot [Forge] - Allows players and some mobs to be headshot
Mob Summoning - Summon Mobs to fight alongside you
Diamond Shards - Break Diamonds into nine Shards. Great for Diamond Based Economies
Loot Config - Gain full customization over the loot tables of Minecraft
Interchangable - Minecraft mod for interchangeable inputs in recipes based on config
Want to play with Simply Swords on a server with friends? How about considering a server from BisectHosting? They're already set up and ready to go!