Mod Skyblock Builder by MelanX
- 4448212
- 288.61 KB
- 1.19.2
- February 14, 2021
- September 20, 2023
- DimensionsMap and Information
Mod Information
Name | Skyblock Builder | Author | MelanX | Description | Let you create a custom skyblock island via config |
Information | Downloads: 4448212 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 288.61 KB Updated at: September 20, 2023 Created at: February 14, 2021 | Tags | Dimensions Map and Information |
This mod allows you to create custom skyblock islands via config.
You simply create a schematic file using the structure block from vanilla Minecraft, or the Structure Saver item and set possible spawn points for the island.
This mod is required on server and client side. It adds a "Skyblock" world type at "More World Options..." setting when creating a new world on client side.
For servers, use "skyblockbuilder:custom_skyblock" (1.18+: "skyblockbuilder:skyblock") as world type in or in forge-common.toml (config).
This mod requires LibX.
Help translating the mod here on One Sky.
Very old tutorial, only valid for the first few versions of 1.16.x releases.