Mod Snow Under Trees (Fabric) by itsmineblock11
- 1618030
- 963.41 KB
- 1.20
- October 25, 2022
- June 9, 2023
- World Gen
Mod Information
Name | Snow Under Trees (Fabric) | Author | itsmineblock11 | Description | 1.19+ continuation of Snow Under Trees (Fabric) |
Information | Downloads: 1618030 Version: 1.20 Size: 963.41 KB Updated at: June 9, 2023 Created at: October 25, 2022 | Tags | World Gen |
Snow Under Trees (Fabric)
This is a continuation of the abandoned fabric port of Snow Under Trees which hasn't been updated since 1.17
Adds snow under trees in snowy biomes, making the biomes more immersive and less green!
- Setting this to false will disable snow from generating under trees when new chunks are generated.enable_when_snowing
- Setting this to false will disable snow from generating under trees when it is snowing in the world.filtered_biomes
- Any biomes whose biome IDs are added here will not be affected by this mod in any way. You can find the biome ID of the biome you're currently in on the F3 screen. For example, the biome ID of the plains biome looks like this: minecraft:plains