Mod Solar Flux Reborn by Zeitheron
- 30579581
- 271.92 KB
- 1.20.1
- July 2, 2016
- September 5, 2023
- Thermal Expansion
Name | Solar Flux Reborn | Author | Zeitheron | Description | A reborn of Solar Flux mod |
Information | Downloads: 30579581 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 271.92 KB Updated at: September 5, 2023 Created at: July 2, 2016 | Tags | Thermal Expansion |
Solar Flux Reborn adds solar panels that generate FE or RF.
The CORE mod comes by with 8 different tiers of solar panels (fully configurable!)
While also allowing you to create custom panels with custom textures, names, and FE rates! Read the /.minecraft/config/solarflux/custom_panels.js or watch the tutorial video!
Please know, that this mod also integrates with the following mods:
If you're struggling with configuring the mod, I recommend checking out configuration setMore Solar Flux Panels as it adds a few new panels with recipes.
Version 1.14.4 DOES NOT work with Java 11.
Version 1.16.5 DOES NOT work with Java 17.
Mod content:
Solar Panel I
- Generation: 1 FE/tick
- Transfer: 8 FE/tick
- Capacity: 25,000 FE
Solar Panel II
- Generation: 8 FE/tick
- Transfer: 64 FE/tick
- Capacity: 125,000 FE
Solar Panel III
- Generation: 32 FE/tick
- Transfer: 256 FE/tick
- Capacity: 425,000 FE
Solar Panel IV
- Generation: 128 FE/tick
- Transfer: 1,024 FE/tick
- Capacity: 2,000,000 FE
Solar Panel V
- Generation: 512 FE/tick
- Transfer: 4,096 FE/tick
- Capacity: 8,000,000 FE
Solar Panel VI
- Generation: 2,048 FE/tick
- Transfer: 16,384 FE/tick
- Capacity: 32,000,000 FE
Solar Panel VII
- Generation: 8,192 FE/tick
- Transfer: 64,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 64,000,000 FE
Solar Panel VIII
- Generation: 32,768 FE/tick
- Transfer: 256,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 128,000,000 FE
Draconic Evolution panels:
Wyvern Solar Panel
- Generation: 65,536 FE/tick
- Transfer: 512,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 256,000,000 FE
Draconic Solar Panel
- Generation: 131,072 FE/tick
- Transfer: 1,024,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 512,000,000 FE
Chaotic Solar Panel
- Generation: 524,288 FE/tick
- Transfer: 4,096,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 2,048,000,000 FE
Black Hole Storage panels:
Dark Matter Solar Panel
- Generation: 65,536 FE/tick
- Transfer: 512,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 256,000,000 FE
Thaumcraft panels:
Alchemical Solar Panel
- Generation: 8 FE/tick
- Transfer: 64 FE/tick
- Capacity: 125,000 FE
Brass Solar Panel
- Generation: 32 FE/tick
- Transfer: 256 FE/tick
- Capacity: 425,000 FE
Thaumium Solar Panel
- Generation: 128 FE/tick
- Transfer: 1,024 FE/tick
- Capacity: 2,000,000 FE
Void Metal Solar Panel
- Generation 512 FE/tick
- Transfer: 4,096 FE/tick
- Capacity: 8,000,000 FE
Avaritia panels:
Neutronium Solar Panel (If Avaritia is installed)
- Generation: 8,388,608 FE/tick
- Transfer: 32,768,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 131,072,000,000 FE
Solar Panel of Infinity (If Avaritia is installed)
- Generation: 16,777,216 FE/tick
- Transfer: 65,536,000 FE/tick
- Capacity: 262,144,000,000 FE
The Twilight Forest panels:
Fiery Solar Panel (If TheTwilightForest is installed)
- Generation: 2,048 FE/tick
- Transfer: 16,384 FE/tick
- Capacity: 32,000,000 FE
Carminite Solar Panel (If TheTwilightForest is installed)
- Generation: 8,192 FE/tick
- Transfer: 65,536 FE/tick
- Capacity: 64,000,000 FE
Photovoltaic Cell I
Photovoltaic Cell II
Photovoltaic Cell III
Photovoltaic Cell IV
Photovoltaic Cell V
Photovoltaic Cell VI
Blazing Coating
Emerald Glass
Ender Glass
Dark Matter Photovoltaic Cell (if
Black Hole Storage is installed)
Twilight Cell I (if
The Twilight Forest is installed)
Twilight Cell II (if
The Twilight Forest is installed)
Blank Upgrade
Efficiency Upgrade (Up to 20, 20 = 2x gen)
Transfer Rate Upgrade (Up to 10, 10 = 2.5x transfer)
Capacity Upgrade (Up to 10, 10 = 2x capacity)
Traversal Upgrade (When installed, the solar panel will output energy to machines attached, in 5 block range)
Dispersive Upgrade (When installed, the solar panel will charge players nearby)
Block Charging Upgrade (Before installing, you must link it to the block it will send energy to. When installed, the solar panel will output energy to linked block, within 16 block range)
Furnace Upgrade (When installed, fuels the furnace below)
Twi-Light Upgrade (if
The Twilight Forest is installed) (Slightly increases light gathered by Solar Panel in The Twilight Forest.)
AEU Energy Upgrade (if
Applied Energistics 2 is installed) (Allows connecting Solar Panel directly into ME Grid.)
Some features:
- The number of tiers and their production/capacity can be fully configured to suit your needs.
- Solar Panels automatically share their energy when next to each other, no cables needed.
- There are only "Vanilla" recipes by the author of the original mod
Mod comes with 3 types of cables: (Removed since builds, will NOT come back in SFR)
Basic - 320 RF/tAdvanced - 3,200 RF/tLast - 320,000 RF/t- Cables are now moved to
Cable Flux.
SolarFluxReborn is a mod that is very simple but at the same time so modular!
We've made something to expand Solar Flux Reborn's possibilities: API. Thus add-ons are possible.
List of known and awesome add-ons:
Wearable Solars - allows attaching any solar panel to ANY helmet item.
Special thanks:
Ircmaan for idea and motivation.
Nauktis for making the original
Solar Flux for 1.7.10.
- You can use this mod in your modpack.
- You are not allowed to repost this mod to other sites without providing a CurseForge download link and my permission (
Zeitheron on Discord)
- You are not allowed to include this (or any other mods of the DragonForge team) in your own mod. Building add-ons, however, is allowed, but a friendly PM would be good.
- The only supported version of Minecraft is the latest one that this mod exists for. DO NOT ASK TO DOWNGRADE!
Want to discuss anything? Need help with APIs?
Join the discord server and follow Zeitheron on Twitter!
If you would like to support my work, you can become a patron via Patreon.