Mod Sooty Chimneys by mortuus_art
- 142.80 KB
- 1.20.1
- June 16, 2022
- July 7, 2023
- CosmeticMiscellaneous
Name | Sooty Chimneys | Author | mortuus_art | Description | Spiritual successor to campfires! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 142.80 KB Updated at: July 7, 2023 Created at: June 16, 2022 | Tags | Cosmetic Miscellaneous |
Adds Brick, Stone Brick, Terracotta and Copper chimneys, that emit smoke particles.
After some time, chimney will be covered in soot and become dirty. Scrape with axe to clean it.
Scraping soot from chimney will drop a Black Dye, but not always.
Chimney smoke is influenced by wind direction and strength. Wind is stronger in the rain and thunder, and calmer in the evening.
(this works on Sooty Chimneys smoke only)
Redstone Control
When chimney receives redstone signal it will stop emitting smoke.
Smoke Blocking
Right click chimney with an empty hand to toggle flow of the smoke.
Sooty Chimneys has been showcased in a video by Boodlyneck (at 4:52):
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