Mod Sophisticated Storage by P3pp3rF1y

  • Sophisticated Storage by P3pp3rF1y

    Storage mod with multiple tiers and functional upgrades
    • 4903817
    • 1002.52 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • April 30, 2022
    • September 5, 2023
    • Storage
    Sophisticated Storage
Mod Information
NameSophisticated StorageAuthorP3pp3rF1yDescriptionStorage mod with multiple tiers and functional upgrades
InformationDownloads: 4903817
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 1002.52 KB
Updated at: September 5, 2023
Created at: April 30, 2022

Sophisticated Storage is mod that adds multiple tiers of Barrels, Chests and Shulker Boxes, any of these can have many different combinations of two colors applied to them and barrels/chests come in different wood varieties and in addition to that you can use many different upgrades in them to augment their functionality. Also adds its own take on mass storage - Limited Barrels that only have 1 to 4 slots for items with higher stack size limits in each that get even higher when their tier gets upgraded.



There is a lot of things you can change through mod's config

  • Number of inventory and upgrade slots of each of the storage blocks
  • Number of filter slots in many of the upgrades
  • Range, speed and some additional features of different upgrades
  • And if any storage/upgrade doesn't fit a theme of your modpack you can disable them in the config to disable recipes and hide them from creative menu / jei


Come over to our Discord server to discuss this mod or others that I maintain 


Dyeing the storage blocks in crafting table

  • Color of multiple dyes in recipe gets combined similar to how it works for coloring leather armor except each of these can have two colors - main and accent
  • Dyes to the left of the storage in the recipe apply to the main color
  • Dyes to the right apply to the accent color of the storage
  • Dyes in the same column apply to both
  • And once dyed you can continue adding dyes which combine with the current main color, accent color or both


Controller and related things




Controller allows to work with multiple storages as if they were one big storage multiblock

- Connecting either can be done by simply putting storages next to controller or next to others that are already connected to controller (works up to 12 blocks away from controller in all directions)

- Other ways to connect are with Storage Tool that allows linking either individual storages or linking Storage Link block for multiple storages


Storage Link

Storage link allows to connect multiple storages that are not attached to controller or any blocks that are connected to it

- When placed on any face of one of the storages and then linked using 

- Once placed Storage Tool can be used to link it to the controller


Storage Tool

Allows to link, lock and toggle visibility of locks and counts

- Shift scroll to change mode

- Linking works by right clicking the controller to start linking to it and then right click storages or storage link to get these linked

- Locking locks/unlocks either a single storage that was right clicked or all storages that are connected to right clicked controller

- Toggling visibility of locks / counts works similar to locking so just right click on storage or controller




Pickup Upgrade

Picks up items that come in contact with the storage block and match the filter

  • Regular upgrade can only filter by item and has 9 filter slots
  • Advanced one has more filtering options - match by item/mod/tags, match nbt, match damage and 16 slots that can be used to filter


Magnet Upgrade

Variant of pickup that teleports items around the storage block directly into it

  • Regular upgrade can only filter by item and has 9 filter slots
  • Advanced one has bigger magnet range more filtering options - match by item/mod/tags, match nbt, match damage and 16 slots that can be used to filter


Filter Upgrade

Can be used to limit what can be piped into / out of storage block

  • Regular upgrade can only filter by item and has 9 filter slots
  • Advanced one has more filtering options - match by item/mod/tags, match nbt, match damage and 16 slots that can be used to filter


Void Upgrade

Does exactly what you would expect - voids items that are picked up based on its filter

  • Regular upgrade can only filter by item and has 9 filter slots
  • Advanced one has more filtering options - match by item/mod/tags, match nbt, match damage and 16 slots that can be used to filter
  • There's also an option to turn on off voiding of items that are inserted through storage block's gui, like if you want to add a stack of some item and keep it there, but don't want any new ones to be inserted


Compacting Upgrade

Compacts items using 2x2 and 3x3 recipes, usually coal, redstone and similar

  • Regular upgrade only has 9 filter slots and can only compact items using 2x2 recipes
  • Advanced one has 16 slots and can compact items using both 2x2 and 3x3 recipes
  • There's also a switch for whether to have items compacted only when inserted by other upgrades/pipes or whether the compacting should also happen when inserting the items in storage block's gui
  • And another switch that allows to compact also items which cannot be uncompacted back (by default will only compact those that can be uncrafted)


Feeding upgrade

Feeds players with food from the block's inventory when the player gets hungry

  • Has filters to allow limiting what food items should be fed to player (pretty useful in case you're picking up stuff like rotten flesh and similar with negative effects)
  • Advanced one allows more precise settings for when the player is to be fed - immediate when hurt on/off, setting for how much hunger needs to go down compared to the hunger that the food restores


Smelting/Smoking/Blasting Upgrades

Furnace in storage block which can also work automatically

  • Regular upgrade works just as furnace would
  • Auto smelting one will automatically pull fuel, items to smelt and will automatically push smelted items back into the block's inventory
  • It also has filters for fuel and what items to smelt
  • Smoking/Blasting upgrades work similar but with double speed and just for items that would go into vanilla smoker / blasting furnace


Crafting Upgrade

Crafting table in upgrade tab

  • Integration with crafting tweaks and mouse tweaks
  • Also has performance enhancements that make it faster in crafting than vanilla workbench


Stonecutter Upgrade

Stonecutter in upgrade tab

  • Also remembers the last recipe used
  • If the same block is inserted it will preselect that recipe
  • So stonecutting multiple stacks of the same block is much faster


Stack Upgrade

Makes it possible to fit more in the inventory slots

  • Multiplies the max stack size limit by a value
  • Tier 1 - 2x, tier 2 - 4x, tier 3 - 8x, tier 4 - 16x
  • Multiple stack upgrades can be put in upgrade slots and their multipliers get multiplied :)
  • e.g. 2 tier 2 upgrades = 16x max stack size value
  • Shift clicking from the oversized stack out will only move a max of one regular stack
  • To move as much as possible you can use Ctrl Shift Click


Jukebox Upgrade

Allows to play music discs in upgrade tab


Mod spotlight from Mischief of Mice