Mod Squat Grow (Shift / Twerk to grow plants) by Gaz_

  • Squat Grow (Shift / Twerk to grow plants) by Gaz_

    Squat for growth (Shift / Twerk to grow plants)
    • 3013069
    • 13.91 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • August 15, 2021
    • August 20, 2023
    • Farming
    Squat Grow (Shift / Twerk to grow plants)
Mod Information
NameSquat Grow (Shift / Twerk to grow plants)AuthorGaz_DescriptionSquat for growth (Shift / Twerk to grow plants)
InformationDownloads: 3013069
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 13.91 KB
Updated at: August 20, 2023
Created at: August 15, 2021

What is Squat Grow?

Feeling weak in Minecraft and not getting enough gains? Well throw away your bonemeal and start squatting!

With Squat Grow your plant will grow twice as fast and feel the gains!

All you need to do is press your sneak key until you are happy with the growth of your plant.

You can configure the plants affected using the registry name of the plant or using tags, there is also an option to use a blacklist or a whitelist along with changing the effect range


How do I use it?

Simply install the mod, then press your sneak key repeatedly until your plant has grown!



  • Crouch (squat/twerk) to grow your crops/trees or anything else that's growable
  • Configurable effect range (up to 16 blocks)
  • Configurable effect chance
  • Whitelist or blacklist blocks that can be affected
  • OPMode, you only need to hold shift and all valid blocks within range will be affected by the mod. (This was more of an accident than an intended feature but decided to add a config to enable it)



All Rights Reserved unless stated otherwise. Distribution permission is given to FeedTheBeast and CurseForge for use in modpacks

twerking crouching twerk crouch