Mod St'ructure Tools by ProjectET

  • St'ructure Tools by ProjectET

    Essentially a Building Gadgets port to fabric.
    • 842.94 KB
    • 1.19
    • October 15, 2021
    • June 17, 2022
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    St'ructure Tools
Mod Information
NameSt'ructure ToolsAuthorProjectETDescriptionEssentially a Building Gadgets port to fabric.
Version: 1.19
Size: 842.94 KB
Updated at: June 17, 2022
Created at: October 15, 2021
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

St'ructure Tools aims to make building a little easier. At this time there are four tools, which will help you build your St'ructures. Alternatively, watch the following mod spotlight for instructions!


Requires: Fabric API, and Cloth Config API.


This mod is an unofficial port of Building Gadgets, but most of the information from the below mod spotlight should still apply


Note: This mod does NOT include the construction paste stuff as its a pain to port.




tele jigsaw grunt pathic telepathic st'ructure processorjigsaw worldgenjson