Mod Starter Kit (Legacy Fabric) by Serilum

  • Starter Kit (Legacy Fabric) by Serilum

    📦 Gives players joining the world for the first time configurable starter gear and items which overwrites the initial inventory. Compatible with FTB Team Islands.
    • 44.36 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • September 16, 2021
    • December 5, 2022
    • Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Server Utility
    Starter Kit (Legacy Fabric)
Mod Information
NameStarter Kit (Legacy Fabric)AuthorSerilumDescription📦 Gives players joining the world for the first time configurable starter gear and items which overwrites the initial inventory. Compatible with FTB Team Islands.
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 44.36 KB
Updated at: December 5, 2022
Created at: September 16, 2021
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Server Utility

Requires the library mod Collective (Fabric) and the Fabric API.

     This mod is part of The Vanilla Experience.
Starter Kit is a mod which allows players who join a world for the first time to receive items set in a config file. It's possible to set items to any specific slot in the inventory, to the offhand and to the armour slots. The mod can detect which players have never joined before. If another mod adds items, such as guide books, they can either be removed completely or added after the kit has been set. This is configurable via the addExistingItemsAfterKitSet config option.

Can be used in a server for all new players or in singleplayer to start off with a default inventory of your choosing. There is also optional support for FTB's Team Island mod after the create island command.

Configurable: ( how do I configure? )
addExistingItemsAfterKitSet (default = true): Whether items that existed in the inventory, such as books added by other mods, should be added back to the inventory after the kit was set. If disabled, they'll be removed. You can still manually set them via the kit.
 (default = true): Whether the starter kit should be re-set after the '/ftbteamislands create' command from FTB Team Islands. Does nothing when it's not installed.

/starterkit set - Sets the starter kit config file to be a copy of the inventory of the player executing this command. The old config file is kept and renamed. Requires cheat access.

The default config file, located in /config/starterkit/starterkit.txt:
You can create your own by using /starterkit set in-game!

And the result on first join:


NBT tags such as enchantments and written books are supported.
An example with a written book:

Running /starterkit set, which writes the entire inventory to the starterkit.txt config file:

The inventory of the last image results in this config file:
Located in '/config/starterkit/starterkit.txt'.



You may freely use this mod in any modpack, as long as the download remains hosted within the CurseForge ecosystem. contains an overview and more information on all mods available.

Comments are disabled as I'm unable to keep track of all the separate pages on each mod.
For issues, ideas, suggestions or anything else there is the Github repo. Thanks!