Mod Status Effect Timer by mag_icus

  • Status Effect Timer by mag_icus

    Overlay a timer on the Vanilla status effect HUD icons (fabric mod)
    • 17.56 KB
    • 1.19
    • May 21, 2021
    • June 13, 2022
    • Map and Information
    Status Effect Timer
Mod Information
NameStatus Effect TimerAuthormag_icusDescriptionOverlay a timer on the Vanilla status effect HUD icons (fabric mod)
Version: 1.19
Size: 17.56 KB
Updated at: June 13, 2022
Created at: May 21, 2021
Map and Information

Status Effect Timer

This is a Minecraft mod that overlays a timer on the Vanilla status effect HUD icons.

This mod requires Minecraft 1.16.5-1.19 and the Fabric loader.

This mod overlays the number of seconds left of the status effect, or the number of minutes (followed by "m") if it is more than 60 seconds, on the vanilla status effect indicator. If the effect has an amplifier (as in "Haste II"), the amplifier is also overlaid. That's it. This is a very minimalistic mod. No settings are required nor provided.

I created this since the vanilla user experience of going into the inventory, and closing the recipe book, to check the remaining time of status effects was .. not ideal. There are some other mods that tried to achieve this, but most are bloated replacement for large parts of vanilla code, and the remaining still did not keep the vanilla basics.


This is what it looks like when you are using the mod.




The latest version is 1.1.1.

Direct download links for Minecraft 1.19:

For all other Minecraft releases, check these download sites:


Install this as you would any other Fabric mod. (Personally, I recommend MultiMC as Minecraft launcher for modded Minecraft.) I still need help installing this mod.


Do you have any problems with the mod? Please open an issue on Github.

Known Incompatibilities

This mod does not work if the mod 'Slight' Gui Modifications is installed and the configuration fluidStatusEffects is enabled.

This mod conflicts with Giselbaer's Durability Viewer, since that mod also draws a timer on the status effect icon. You need to disable the effect time feature in Durability Viewer to avoid clutter.