Mod Steve's Factory Manager Reborn by Gigabit101

  • Steve's Factory Manager Reborn by Gigabit101

    Steve's Factory Manager in Minecraft 1.10+
    • 682.18 KB
    • 1.10.2
    • November 7, 2016
    • June 22, 2020
    • Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport
    Steve's Factory Manager Reborn
Mod Information
NameSteve's Factory Manager RebornAuthorGigabit101DescriptionSteve's Factory Manager in Minecraft 1.10+
Version: 1.10.2
Size: 682.18 KB
Updated at: June 22, 2020
Created at: November 7, 2016
Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport

Steve's Factory Manager Reborn is a port of Steve's Factory Manager for Minecraft 1.10.2 and above.



Steve's Factory Manager allows the player to control the distribution of Items / fluids to multiple places at once.





Some features are disabled in versions they're introduced due to unstability. After they become stable, you need to manually

- Players + server owner: enable them in the config OR delete sfm-common.toml and let it regenerate, which will have all the stable features enabled.
- Player only: along with the config, component groups needs to be reset in order for features to show up ingame. Do so by executing the command /sfm componentGroups reset, which should require no permission level.




The 1.14+ versions (3.x+) is under a major rewrite. A lot of the feature and underlying logic will change, some of them will have completely different logic and (hopefully) be more optimized.

This is a somewhat helpful tutorial for 3.x+. It documents some of the new features.



For a 1.12.2 version of this mod, please visit Super Factory Manager



The 1.10- version (1.x) is currently not getting maintained. 


Note: Currently the Inventory system in SFM dose not support the new Inventory Capability System.

this will be added soon just wanted to get a build out for testing before adding support for the new system. 



This mod was created by vswe.


Permissions have been given for anyone including me to update any mod made by VSWE.

Permissions can be found here.


Enjoying my mods? support me on patreon.


Partnered with Creeperhost





Credits to VSWE for making the mod and allowing me to update it.