Mod Suggestion Provider Fix by HarleyOConnor
- 4.95 KB
- 1.20.1
- April 10, 2021
- June 15, 2023
- Miscellaneous
Name | Suggestion Provider Fix | Author | HarleyOConnor | Description | Small fix to the commands suggestion provider so modded resources are auto-filled properly. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 4.95 KB Updated at: June 15, 2023 Created at: April 10, 2021 | Tags | Miscellaneous |
Suggestion Provider Fix
A minor change to Minecraft's suggestion provider so that it auto-completes resource locations for all mod namespaces.
Whilst this is a very tiny change, if you use commands a lot in modded it is likely to save you a lot of time.
Note that this mod does not need to be installed on a dedicated server to work, though doing so is advisable so that the client and server mod list match.
For example, let's say you want to use '/give' to spawn yourself an 'oak_seed' from Dynamic Trees. With vanilla, you may begin to type '/give @p oak_seed' and no auto-complete suggestions will come up, as it expects you to type in 'dynamictrees:oak_seed' since that is the full name for the item:
With this mod installed however, you are able to start typing 'oak_seed' and any items with that name (regardless of their namespace/mod ID) will be suggested:
This also works with other registries that use "resource locations", including blocks, biomes, and even custom registries from other mods.
Technical Description
This mod uses a mixin to overwrite 'ISuggestionProvider#filterResources(Iterable, String, Function, Consumer)', doing exactly the same thing but negating a check on whether or not the namespace of the 'ResourceLocation' is 'minecraft' (since this is the default when a path is typed without a namespace). This means that suggestion providers for 'ResourceLocation' objects will suggest all paths matching the input string if no namespace was entered, instead of only from Minecraft itself.