Mod Suggestion Tweaker by VelizarP
- 279223
- 24.90 KB
- 1.20.2
- April 19, 2022
- August 30, 2023
- CosmeticMap and InformationServer UtilityUtility & QoL
Name | Suggestion Tweaker | Author | VelizarP | Description | Improves the way suggestions are filtered and sorted when writing a command |
Information | Downloads: 279223 Version: 1.20.2 Size: 24.90 KB Updated at: August 30, 2023 Created at: April 19, 2022 | Tags | Cosmetic Map and Information Server Utility Utility & QoL |
Suggestion Tweaker (Fabric/Forge)
This is a client and server mod which improves the way suggestions are filtered and sorted when writing a command.
This mod requires Cloth Config API. Mod Menu is optional in case you want more configuration like enabling case sensitivity and changing the filtering mode.
Improved filtering
Vanilla usually only shows suggestions the start of which matches the input. In some cases it checks for a dot or underscore and then the input. This can often be annoying when trying to search for something because it is too strict. This mod changes that, so now you have a choice between different filtering modes: STRICT(the vanilla way), SLIGHTLY LOOSE(shows all suggestions containing the input anywhere inside), LOOSE(like the previous but with multiple words, separated by an underscore), and VERY LOOSE(shows all suggestions containing every letter in the input).
Improved sorting
Suggestions are sorted from the strictest to most loose match. Vanilla only sorts alphabetically, lacking multiple filtering modes.
Server and client
Suggestions can be separated into two groups - ones that are filtered on the server(based on the client's input) and ones that aren't. The former are things such as functions, loot tables, item modifiers, predicates, and a few others. The latter are things such as scoreboard criteria, colors, blocks, and others. Since the former's filtering is controlled by the server, a workaround is established to let the client use the new and improved ways of filtering suggestions independent of the server. This mod is also a server mod and provides better suggestions even for clients without the mod(but only the former group of suggestions).
Top - vanilla, bottom - Suggestion Tweaker.
Credit goes to SnaveSutit for the cool idea!