Mod TOP Addons by DrManganese
- 34031233
- 237.89 KB
- 1.12.2
- July 6, 2016
- February 23, 2023
- AddonsMap and Information
Mod Information
Name | TOP Addons | Author | DrManganese | Description | Adds mod support to The One Probe by McJty |
Information | Downloads: 34031233 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 237.89 KB Updated at: February 23, 2023 Created at: July 6, 2016 | Tags | Addons Map and Information |
TOP Addons
Mod support for The One Probe by McJty
Source Code - Issues
Licence: GPLv3: you can include this mod in any modpack (Curse or not), credit is not necessary but always appreciated!
Currenty supports:
10/03/2021: This section is not up-to-date with 1.15+ versions
- Tank display
Forestry (album)
- Error messages for all blocks with GUIs that display them
- Internal tank display
- Breeding progress (no values) and queen display for all beehouses
- Special information displays for Moistener and Multiblock Farms
- Show fruit ripeness on leaves and whether they are pollinated (only when wearing spectacles or apiarist's hat)
Tinkers' Construct (album)
- Extended view of fluids inside the controller when sneaking
- Drying rack progress
Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry (album)
- Altar tier and Essence contents (requires divination/seer sigil*)
- Altar crafting progress (requires seer sigil)
- Incense altar tranquility and sacrifice bonus (requires divination/seer sigil)
- Filter configuration for routing nodes (side-sensitive)
Storage Drawers (album)
- More detailed information on stored item stacks
- Stack capacity
IndustrialCraft 2 (album)
- EU bar on most tiles (availability of stored energy varies because of protected/private fields)
- Progress bars on many machine tiles
- Teleporter linked coordinates
- Heat display
- TFBP display
- ...
NeoTech (album)
- Progress on all processing machines (Electric Furnace, Solidifier, Alloyer, etc.)
- Grind progress for Grinder and any perssure plate right above it
- RF/t on generating machines (Solar Panels, Furnace Generator, etc.)
- Errors, axe durability andn logging range on Electric Logger
*Also works in sigil of holding
Probing Helmets
Craft modded helmets with a probe to get their probing variants, works with all non-blacklisted helmets (configurable):
These helmets will additionally have a visual "chip" when worn:
- Botania: Manasteel, Elementium, Manaweave and Terrasteel helmets(non-revealing versions)
- Forestry: Apiarist helmet and Spectacles
- Blood Magic: Living and Sentient helmets
- IndustrialCraft 2: Quantum, Nano and Hazmat helmets
Uncraft by putting the helmet back in the crafting grid with nothing else.
/topaddons [option] [value]
This command will modify client-only settings:
- Show the TOP Addons fluid gauge on tiles with internal tanks. (0 to hide) [default: 1]
- Hide the vanilla TOP fluid gauge. (1 to hide) [default: 0]
- Only show Forestry machines' critical failure reasons when crouched.(0 for always, 1 for crouching) [default: 0]
- Show IC² machine progress bar in normal mode. (0 for crouching only) [default: 1]
- Show note block pitch and instrument. (0 to hide) [default: 1]
/tophelmet blacklist <add/remove>
Add or remove the currently held helmet to or from the blacklist
If you have any mod suggestions or improvements please let me know!