Mod Tea Kettle by a_soulspark

  • Tea Kettle by a_soulspark

    The hottest drinks, now in Minecraft
    • 413.09 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • February 10, 2021
    • August 21, 2021
    • Food
    Tea Kettle
Mod Information
NameTea KettleAuthora_soulsparkDescriptionThe hottest drinks, now in Minecraft
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 413.09 KB
Updated at: August 21, 2021
Created at: February 10, 2021

Tea Kettle logo

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The hottest drinks, now in Minecraft!


This delicious tea comes in 6 flavors, each unique in its own way.

Some teas can be combined with milk to make Lattes, and if you have a sweeter tooth, you can also add sugar or honey to your drinks!


It also adds a few new effects:

  • Caffeine makes you faster but also too excited to fall asleep!
  • Zen makes you calm enough to sleep during the daytime.


Mod Showcase (#1 mod)





Has compatibility with: Simply Tea, Abundance and many other mods it works well with.


My main goal with this mod was to learning Forge, so if you find any problems, kindly report them to the Issues page ^^