Mod Technobauble by bdew
- 240252
- 161.47 KB
- 1.20.1
- June 8, 2021
- July 28, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsTechnology
Mod Information
Name | Technobauble | Author | bdew | Description | A mod that adds various baubles/curios |
Information | Downloads: 240252 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 161.47 KB Updated at: July 28, 2023 Created at: June 8, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Technology |
This mod that adds various baubles/curios.
- Minecraft 1.16.5
- Reasonably recent Forge
- BDLib - latest version
- Curios API
- Scalable Cat's Force (scala library)
Added Items:
Portable Flux Bridge Receiver
- Goes into Gadget slot
- Right click on a Flux Bridge Transmitter
- Will charge other FE/RF Curios/Baubles, Armor and Tools
Pocket Dimension Backpack
- Goes into Back slot
- Can hold 6*9 items
- Can be opened with a hotkey when equipped (by default CTRL+E)
Personal Integrity Field Projector
- Goes into Gadget slot
- Consumes FE/RF energy to protect the wearer from damage
Kinetic Movement Enhancer
- Goes into Legs slot
- Increases run speed and lets you step over obstacles (toggle with CTRL+R)
- Increases jump height (toggle with CTRL+J)
- Protects from falling damage
Added Blocks:
Flux Bridge Transmitter
- Transfers FE/RF power to Portable Flux Bridge Receivers
- Right click the block with the item in your hand to link them, once linked the receiver will charge your other items wirelessly, even across dimensions.
This mod is in early development stages, more stuff will be added before release.
Open Source
The mod is licensed under the MIT License, the source code is available on GitHub.
Yes this means you have permission to add it to any public or private mod pack.