Mod Thaumcraft Research Patcher by TheCodex6824

  • Thaumcraft Research Patcher by TheCodex6824

    A Thaumcraft addon that allows adding and editing research
    • 201.70 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 15, 2021
    • July 5, 2021
    • Addons
      Server Utility
    Thaumcraft Research Patcher
Mod Information
NameThaumcraft Research PatcherAuthorTheCodex6824DescriptionA Thaumcraft addon that allows adding and editing research
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 201.70 KB
Updated at: July 5, 2021
Created at: January 15, 2021
Server Utility

Thaumcraft Research Patcher is an addon for Thaumcraft 6 that allows modpack makers and other advanced users to create and edit Thaumcraft research. New research uses the same format as Thaumcraft 6 does for easy integration. Editing research uses the JSON Patch format for maximum flexibility. Lastly, new research categories can be added, allowing the creation of major overhauls or additions without having to write a standalone mod. For more information, as well as JSON examples, see the project's wiki page.