Mod Thaumic Computers by jco2641
- 36.10 KB
- 1.12.2
- May 12, 2018
- September 1, 2019
- AddonsMagicTechnologyThaumcraft
Name | Thaumic Computers | Author | jco2641 | Description | OpenComputers addon for Thaumcraft 6 |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 36.10 KB Updated at: September 1, 2019 Created at: May 12, 2018 | Tags | Addons Magic Technology Thaumcraft |
This mod adds drivers allowing OpenComputers to access Thaumcraft 6 blocks and items.
For blocks:
1. Place an OpenComputers adapter next to a Thaumcraft block like a warded jar or a machine.
2. The connected computer will see an aspect_container item in its components, ready to read the contents of the block.
For items:
1. Place an OpenComputers adapter or robot with an inventory controller upgrade next to a chest
2. The attributes of the items in the inventory will include the Thaumcraft aspects on the item
For Golem Seals:
1. Craft a Golem Seal Connector in a standard crafting table
2. Right click on a seal while sneaking to bind the connector to that seal
3. Place the seal connector into an adapter in the same dimension
Planned Features:
Support Thaumcraft Golems API
Please use the Github issue tracker to report problems