Mod The Endergetic Expansion by TeamAbnormals

  • The Endergetic Expansion by TeamAbnormals

    This mod aims to expands upon The End by adding a variety of features to the barren landscape along with alien flora and fauna to make it livelier.
    • 19303818
    • 10.53 MB
    • 1.16.5
    • April 3, 2018
    • April 12, 2022
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      World Gen
    The Endergetic Expansion
Mod Information
NameThe Endergetic ExpansionAuthorTeamAbnormalsDescriptionThis mod aims to expands upon The End by adding a variety of features to the barren landscape along with alien flora and fauna to make it livelier.
InformationDownloads: 19303818
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 10.53 MB
Updated at: April 12, 2022
Created at: April 3, 2018
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
World Gen

Blueprint Website Team Abnormals Discord Team Abnormals Twitter Patreon

📖 About:

The focus of The Endergetic Expansion's is to improve every aspect of the end, despite being in early beta, it notably already adds an entire biome with unique mechanics and visuals, as well as visual improvements to the existing end well and end gateways used to teleport in vanilla. The poise forest can be located semi-rarely in the outer islands of the end (where the chorus biome can also spawn).
More biomes will be coming in the future, but for now, the mod notably adds a new and totally unique biome called the Poise Forest

📦 Cross-Compatibility: