Mod The Impossible LIbrary by The_Computerizer

  • The Impossible LIbrary by The_Computerizer

    A library mod that makes the impossible possible in Minecraft
    • 218.09 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • August 15, 2022
    • September 6, 2023
    • API and Library
    The Impossible LIbrary
Mod Information
NameThe Impossible LIbraryAuthorThe_ComputerizerDescriptionA library mod that makes the impossible possible in Minecraft
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 218.09 KB
Updated at: September 6, 2023
Created at: August 15, 2022
API and Library


This mod was made to offer mod devs methods for doing things that are typically thought of as impossible, hacky, tedious, or maybe even require a 3rd party java library.


Of course when doing the impossible it has to be done efficiently, so that is the second focus. If you see something that does not look good or you have a suggestion/addition to the library, feel free to let me know and/or make a PR!


Once I have a decent amount finished for the library I will be making a wiki to help explain exactly how to use the features present in the library!


Some current features
- File creation and manipulation
- Generic image rendering to the screen
- Global nbt data storage and retrieval
- Support for radial gui elements and some helper methods regarding that
- Custom async tick events able set by millisecond

Some planned features
- RGB shenanigans
- GIF rendering
- MP4 rendering


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