Mod Thermal Systeams by ChiefArug

  • Thermal Systeams by ChiefArug

    Addon for the Thermal Series that adds Steam! Boilers, Dynamo and more!
    • 1087494
    • 178.37 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • October 24, 2022
    • September 19, 2023
    • Addons
      Thermal Expansion
    Thermal Systeams
Mod Information
NameThermal SysteamsAuthorChiefArugDescriptionAddon for the Thermal Series that adds Steam! Boilers, Dynamo and more!
InformationDownloads: 1087494
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 178.37 KB
Updated at: September 19, 2023
Created at: October 24, 2022
Thermal Expansion

Thermal Systeams adds core Systeams I felt were missing from todays Thermally enhanced and expanded worlds. Enhance your power generation with Steam!


Adds in seven different boilers, one for each dynamo type. Each generates steam from water and fuel. That steam can then be used in a steam dynamo to generate power.

By default this produces twice the amount of power as a normal dynamo. Boilers also accept dynamo augments, to improve generation speed and efficiency!


Systeams also adds in world interactions for dynamos and boilers! Shift right click on a dynamo with a boiler pipe to convert it to a boiler, and shift right click on a boiler with a redstone flux coil to convert it to a dynamo! The coil/pipe is returned, and contents are kept as much as they are able to.


You can find the mods config file at worldname/serverconfig/systeams-server.toml. Here you can configure various rates and ratios related to steam generation and consumption. To have this apply to all new worlds copy it to the defaultconfigs folder.

The recipes are able to be configured via the normal means, so datapack, KubeJS or CraftTweaker. Note that the boilers use the same recipe lot as their respective dynamo, so any changes to boiler recipes must be made to dynamo recipes. (apart from the rf to steam ratio. That is configurable via the config file mentioned above)


A showcase of the boilers, items and dynamo added by Systeams

Finally a massive thanks to King Lemming and the rest of the CoFH team who make the Thermal Series, to Reda, the CoFH artist, for such amazing textures that mine are based off and to Random, for some design, texturing and code advice.

And to Shiny for being.. well, Shiny.