Mod TiConAutoToolStation by Blubberbub

  • TiConAutoToolStation by Blubberbub

    Automateable Auto Tool Station which automatically applies Modifiers to Tinker's Construct Tools
    • 25.60 KB
    • 1.7.10
    • October 31, 2015
    • April 9, 2016
    • Addons
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Tinker's Construct
Mod Information
NameTiConAutoToolStationAuthorBlubberbubDescriptionAutomateable Auto Tool Station which automatically applies Modifiers to Tinker's Construct Tools
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 25.60 KB
Updated at: April 9, 2016
Created at: October 31, 2015
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Tinker's Construct
Mod provides a single Block. The "Auto Tool Station".

It can be used to automatically apply modifiers to Tinker's Construct Tools.

Mod uses Code and Resources from Tinker's Construct. Which code is distributed under CC.0 and Resources under CC.3.