Mod TickrateChanger by Guichaguri
- 23.70 KB
- 1.12.1
- May 7, 2015
- September 23, 2017
- Miscellaneous
Name | TickrateChanger | Author | Guichaguri | Description | Change the speed that your game will run |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.1 Size: 23.70 KB Updated at: September 23, 2017 Created at: May 7, 2015 | Tags | Miscellaneous |
Thanks for Wipper179 for this awesome showcase
Thanks to Cscuile for this amazing TAS speedrun :D
Thanks to Cubi for this great TAS speedrun
Thanks to Gunter for this epic TAS speedrun using TickrateChanger :O
Thanks to MinecraftPalaceVidz for this showcase.
Thanks to G0oularte for this showcase in portuguese
- Let you change the server tickrate
- Let you change your client tickrate (including sound speed)
- Let you change any player tickrate via server command
- Synchronizes the tickrate between server and clients
- Useful for videos (slow motion, timelapses)
- Useful for custom modpacks/maps (maybe you wanna change how the game works?)
- Useful for building (a fast tickrate let you place blocks faster)
- Useful for testing (a slow tickrate let you have time to see before everything happens)
- Useful for TAS speedruns (you can even use keybinds, you have to enable them in the config file though)
- Useful for other mods that want to use the Tickrate API
- Useful for having fun! (I had a lot of fun testing this mod, i'm sure you'll have too)
You may add this mod to your modpack if I'm credited (Guichaguri) and you link this page.
/tickrate [ticks per second] - Changes the server & client tickrate
/tickrate [ticks per second] server - Changes the server tickrate
/tickrate [ticks per second] client - Changes the client tickrate
/tickrate [ticks per second] [player name] - Changes the [player name]'s tickrate
Source Code | Tickrate API | MCF Thread
This mod does not edit base class files directly.