Mod TimeoutFixes by Corosus

  • TimeoutFixes by Corosus

    Fixes the problem of players timing out when trying to connect to a server with lots of mods
    • 689316
    • 9.27 KB
    • 1.18.2
    • December 18, 2021
    • December 17, 2021
    • Server Utility
Mod Information
NameTimeoutFixesAuthorCorosusDescriptionFixes the problem of players timing out when trying to connect to a server with lots of mods
InformationDownloads: 689316
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 9.27 KB
Updated at: December 17, 2021
Created at: December 18, 2021
Server Utility

If you have a server with a lot of mods, there can be a big delay when you try to connect to the server, causing you to timeout in 30 seconds, this mod extends that timeout to 240 seconds, and can also be configured to higher values if needed.